
  • how about photos of those who are convicted felons that keep getting guns as well as of elected officials who keep release them

  • The sicko Commiecrat party is the face of communism in the U.S.  The entire "party" is communists, frauds, criminals, and undesirables.

  • How about photos of aborted fetuses ?

  • Uncle Joe said a 9mm will blow your lung out;  that is the intent to 'stop' the vital organs. When it comes to my family or myself, that is what I'll do, is stop the #1 problem... then talk

  • What a sadistic bitch!!  There is a huge huge difference in showing such photos to juries as opposed to making them public so kids can see them.  One can only imagine the trauma it would cause to these youngsters.  Democrat and liberalism are a sickness of the worst kind.

  • What a vile sick b*tch!

  • Disgusting. The dems have caused most of these deaths

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