The weaponized FBI conducted a "raid" on President Trump's Florida residence last week, claiming he committed espionage.  In an article written by Mark Megahan for the News Hour First site, Megahan points to the shady tactics used, including hiding the names of the agents who supervised the raid and the justification for it.  (  Like other conservatives, I wonder what Melania's underwear had to do with the phony raid but I guess the left's perversions are relevant to the "investigation". 

President Trump released an unredacted copy of the raid order and liberal heads are exploding, claiming that Trump released the names so his supporters could take retribution on the agents, a claim that is as preposterous as it is false.  The very people who have vilified the police repeatedly for more than 2 years now claim President Trump is trying to get his supporters to attack FBI agents.  The left that has not only vilified police but has done everything they can to see that terrorists that attacked police did not spend any time in jail are now "concerned" about the safety of FBI agents, the Gestapo of the liberal left in America.

Senator Rand Paul said on Fox News that the FBI needs to show proof that the raid wasn't a political witch hunt against President Trump ( when everyone with a functional brain and an IQ in positive numbers knows it was indeed part of a political witch hunt.  The left started going after Donald Trump the day he announced he was running in 2015 and it hasn't stopped, or even slowed down yet.  The ruling class, long fearful of Donald Trump in the Oval office, is now even more fearful because if reinstated he will have 4 years to totally reveal their TREASONOUS actions, actions that will land many people in prison or dangling from a gallows if justice is done.

Of course, the Pravda/Goebbels fake news propagandists are terrified they won't be able to protect their political and bureaucratic co-conspirators and would likely join them in prison if President Trump wins in 2024 and will do everything they can to prevent that from happening.  The entire globalist, marxist cabal is working in lockstep to destroy America and "fundamentally transform" it into a 3rd world puppet state of the new world order global dictatorship with the marxist devildemocommiecrats and their gop establishment allies exercising total rule over their new USSA.

The hypocrisy of the left is so blatant a blind person can see it.  Hypocrisy and duplicity are all the left has in its playbook because facts and truth blow them out of the water every time.  There has not been one case of conservative supporters of President Trump rioting, setting fires or attacking any law enforcement, all of that has been from the other side.  The Jan. 6 hoax was antifa and blm thugs doing damage after they were bused in by the devildemocommiecrat cabal of TRAITORS.  Of course, the only person killed , Ashley Babbit, was a MAGA person murdered by a capitol policeman and the only people being held as political prisoners are conservatives, some of whom were invited into the building by capitol police, and others who were merely in town that day.  The whole narrative is a lie from the pit of hell.

Hopefully the truth will eventually come out but it won't if the political ruling class and the Pravda/Goebbels fake news propagandists and their big tech cohorts can prevent it from happening.  The entire propaganda mechanism parrots the exact same narrative, word for word, because they aren't intelligent enough to do anything but read off the common script passed out to them by the devildemocommiecrat cabal.

Trump Derangement Syndrome is high in the left because they know that if given a chance, and a congress of honest, patriotic members Trump will derail their plans even further.  Their hatred of President Trump is secondary only to their hate of the Constitution and the democratic standards our founders left us.  They are so close to their goal of "transforming" America into a 3rd world dictatorial toilet they can taste it and fear that President Trump will totally destroy the gains made in the last 20 years.  The left is intent on finishing the destruction of the family, Christian moral values, and a civil society based on the rule of law and fear a conservative tsunami that will roll their evil agenda back.  IF We the People ever get control of the government again the marxist globalist left will see all their progress reversed and they are foaming at the mouth in anger and fear of that happening.

I submit this in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, in faith, with the responsibility given to me by Almighty God to honor His work and not let it die from neglect.

Bob Russell

Claremore, Oklahoma

August 19, 2022

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