
  • There weren't any problems when I voted but rural Oklahoma does not have antifa and blm punks, won't tolerate them!!!!!Β  We carry guns around here and leftists know we won't put up with their anarchist crap like devildemocommiecrat areas do!!!!!

  • I KNEW that this was going to happen!Β  I have a feeling that if (when) President Trump wins the election he will declare a sedition emergency and take legal Federal action that will end all of this violence and that will lead to several people (terrorists) being arrested.

  • What?..........No armed panthers?

    black panthers with guns at polls for obama - Bing video
  • BLM and Antifa are clearly terrorist organizations. In the meantime the deep state FBI wants us to believe that patriotic organizations are a terrorist threat. Trump really needs to take total control over aw enforcement and the judiciary. Otherwise this deep state swamp will never be drained.Β 

  • This is what takes place in the third world... Why does the Governor put up with this type of behavior... move in large numbers of police and National Guard and clear the area immediately... stop messing around with masked domestic terrorist... use the Patriot Act ... to arrest, and move those arrested to GITO for trial as domestic terrorist and insurrectionist.Β 

  • WHERE???

  • I never thought I could ever harm another human being. Since these scum are not human I would have no problems doing what I had to to protect me or others.Β 

  • The President has been warned about the real possibility that leftist domestic terrorists would threaten voters, raid polls in conservative areas, burn, loot, and otherwise destroy ballots while dropping off others...Β  The President should have a plan to deal with election fraud and chaos... if not it will not bode well for ballot security and an honest well-regulated election.

  • It was a little hard to see, but it looked as though some BLM people were beating up someone. Later the sheriffs came in.Β 


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