Antifa and BLM, the Democrat party’s stormtroopers

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When the tactics of Black Lives Matter coincide with the ideology of NPR, Americans should realize that the left has crossed yet another line on the indecency scale.

A reporter for an NPR station showed up at the Los Angeles hospital where two sheriff’s deputies who had just been shot while sitting in their car were taken. A BLM crowd had miraculously appeared within minutes to block the emergency entrance, some of them shouting “I hope they f****** die.” Some were vowing to “rape a cop’s girlfriend like a dog instead of a pig.” The NPR station’s reporter allegedly interfered with the police attempts to control the “protesters.”

This is the nadir to which the radicalized Democrat party has brought this nation as the election nears. Can it get worse? Most assuredly. These pathetic lefties are on a roll, with a new “bombshell” (not) just about each and every day.

The Atlantic apparently made up a story out of whole cloth about the President disrespecting soldiers who gave their lives in battle. It was just another fabricated lie, but it kept CNN and MSNBC delirious with excitement for a few days until a few quotes from Bob Woodward’s new book gave them, they assumed, a new scandal – Trump “played down” the seriousness of Covid to prevent a panic! OMG! This one was blessedly gone in a day because of course a President in a crisis hopes to allay fear and panic.

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