For Antifa-BLM, their leaders, and their organizers this 2 part article represents the beginning of their day of reckoning. This is a start toward full exposure showing political organization, political aspirations, political ties to foreign government political parties, and sets them squarely as this generation’s brown shirt in the USA and around the world.
Thanks to Antifa leadership in Seattle and actions in Portland, it became easy to open Antifa up showing the ties to Germany and ultra-nationalists in Ukraine and the ultra-nationalist Ukrainian Diaspora in the USA.
History will remember this as John Brennan’s insurgency. The outgoing CIA director beefed up a domestic insurgent movement with foreign fighters on behalf of the Obama-Biden administration.
Part of former CIA Director Brennan’s story is below and the balance is in part 2.
Regardless of the foreign actors involved, this is a thoroughly American problem. No foreign country is trying to take over the US government. This must be dealt with as an American problem.
Let’s say this one more time. It is an American problem caused by the former Obama-Biden administration’s continuing coup against the Presidency of Donald Trump.
Before going forward, at least half of this mess has an easy solution that’s already on the table. U.S. Rep. Thomas Massie of Kentucky, Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida, and Rep. Ken Buck of Colorado describe how the US Congress committee chairs have been bought and sold to the highest paying lobbyists.
The importance of this is if the practice didn’t exist, most of the issues the US faces internally today wouldn’t either. The Intel community coup would have no teeth.
The support needed to start this political nightmare would not exist if the rewards didn’t outstrip every cost to Congressmen like Adam Schiff. Make the rewards illegal and every Congressman will weigh the cost of getting involved with special interest groups with deep pockets. Read about it at the Gateway Pundit.
The other side of the coin is identifying all the funding and organization groups involved and legislating their influence away. Make this type of funding domestically and abroad illegal after criminal investigations are done. Bring the Intel community back into the agencies to eliminate private contracts. Private Intel companies created the mess because in the same way Congress is swayed to act, the deep-pocket clients provide their bottom line.
There’s a point where Information Operations (IO) come off the page and the boots on the ground finish the work. We are going through that point now.
I’m not going to hold your hand while I show you none of the BLM or Antifa protests or riots have a single damn thing to do with George Floyd, justice, or equality. I’m not going to be kind or soften the facts while I expose you for allowing John Brennan to bring his babies home to roost in your own backyard, front yard, and your neighbor’s yard.
There’s a reason why this shifted away from Minneapolis to Seattle and Portland. This is where the majority of John Brennan’s foreign fighters are located in the US.
The play the DNC is making goes much further than winning election 2020. The fact they are willing to attack and destroy part of their own base should have done more than raise a few eyebrows.
This first link shows the set up in Ukraine including Intel community planning and oversight. It is part 8 of an 11 part series describing the assets. The second link is 3rd in the current series showcasing how this was brought to America for 2016–2020.
The Terrorists Among US — The Coup Against the Presidency
Obama’s coup against Donald Trump and a terrorist plot against America
The boots on the ground support for the political shift the DNC is desperate to make don’t co-exist with Bernie Sander’s world of socialism/ American democracy. If it did, where were Antifa and BLM when Sanders was getting Bern’d by the DNC in the first place?
The major political shift away from American Democracy isn’t toward socialism. It’s toward an integral nationalism that takes away political accountability to the people and makes officeholders immune to prosecution for any crime they commit.
What you are witnessing today aren’t protests, it’s the new way politics are done.
Why Seattle Washington and Portland Oregon
Antifa gets by on the basis of what is known as “volunteerism.” The myth says since Antifa has no centralized leadership structure or formalized membership the group doesn’t have to worry about bearing individual responsibility for the damage and death they cause. The theory is no leadership exists to exert any command and control over Antifa activists; therefore it is organic, headless, and not prosecutable.
In other words, it is a protected social-political group because like-minded supporters coordinate autonomously. Yada. Yada.Yada.
The legal theory was concocted ahead of Ukraine’s 2014 coup for the same reason. Cover your face. Commit murder. Go out for breakfast.
We’ll put this theory to bed in a few minutes but let’s start with something more explosive and closer to home. Here’s where the rubber starts to meet the road. Now we start with this big explosive headline that won’t amount to anything and helps express the organic Antifa mystique. Why?

Antifa was actually in Syria training with the Kurds who were erstwhile ISIS members but were never allowed to do more than that. As you’ll see in a second, the training part isn’t the problem. That they only trained to prepare for this 2020 insurgency is. In part 2 their war trainers will weigh in and it isn’t very flattering. The word terrorist comes up a lot.
Back in 2015, I started salting my articles with milestones and litmus tests to show the build-up as it progressed moving toward this current insurgency. If it was beginning in the US using the 5 point strategy outlined in the part 3 article, then IO planners would have to use resources and methods I outlined and mentioned starting before the 2016 election was over. This means I provided the falsifications hoping I was wrong, while I watched it develop.
Antifa Riots in the US Time to Extradite German and Ukrainian Nationalist leaders
Let’s start at the end to show how serious the reality is Obama and the DNC have brought to America.
The first stop to pick up Antifa insurgency leadership is an easy one. With the US Army troop drawdown in Germany, it’s as simple as showing up at the Bundestag while it’s in session and extraditing Germany’s Pirate Party leader Sebastian Alscher and his side-kick Ben Utzer who acts as the liaison or coordinator for Antifa and its Pirate Party political leadership in US.
The next stop is the European Parliament meeting in either Strasbourg, France, Brussels Belgium, or Luxembourg and extradite the the leadership of The Greens/European Free Alliance party.
read more:
devildemocommiecrats and their gop establishment cohorts are paid by Nazi war criminal george soros to destroy America and bring the satanic New World Order to power. They are hungry for personal wealth and power, just what satan and soros will give them, at least for a while.
I wonder how many prisons we would have to build to hold all of these swamp creatures
Not a single one... as AG Barr and US Attorney Durham are not about to indict any of them and if one slips thru and is indicted the Prosecution will screw it up and thrown the case... We have a totally corrupt DOJ and Judicial system.
You know, I am all for freedom of speech. However, freedom of anything carries responsibility with it. In other words, we can say it, but we should be held accountable for what we say.
Then too, intentions matter. A lot. When one is continually engaged in criticising Trump, what is intended by that? What is the purpose of pounding on perceived failings? To inform Trump and those who support him that he must do a better job? Or is it to sow discord and doubt as to the integrity of the man?
Personally, I learned how to read when I was a child. As I grew older I stuck my nose into the Bible, and also the Constitution, among other things as well. I do not need an expert with their own opinions intact to explain either to me, not a lawyer, nor a Theologian, or a scholar so called. If that was what was needed then God would not hold us personally responsible for our own actions, now would He. We could just claim that others made me think it, others made me do it. It ain't my fault, God. The devil made me do it.
President Trump is a man who is doing the job of President with determination and focus. He did not need the job, and he does not accept payment for it. He works hard and long. He is giving of himself rather than taking for himself. He is not a dictator, he follows the Constitution and expects all those in his administration to do likewise. He is advised by experienced and competent people. His intention is to serve the American people, not be served by them.
He has taken more ridicule and endless unwarranted criticism than possibly any other president ever. He is reviled daily, incessantly, without letup. He appointed Barr as AG. The Senate confirmed the appointment. He IS building the Wall. He IS doing what he promised. He IS not just another politician, or an imposter like Obama. And I cannot think of any other who could take the crap that he takes daily.
Don't walk a mile in his shoes. Just put them on. I know that I personally I could not do and perform as he does. Some would be shot or have the living sh-t beat out of them. He is a better man than I. And better than those who criticise him as well.
My view.
Dale, I am with you. We need to support President Trump no matter what.
No... we are not supposed to support any man ''no matter what... that attitude is delusional and has put us where we are today.
Well, it sound like you have done just that all your life. There is nothing wrong with that though if you are with the good guys.....and you are with the good guys.
My oath of office requires me to obey... all LAWFUL ORDERS of the President... not unlawful orders.
And while we know all this our government is still allowing Antifa and BLM to reek havoc in our country. They need to be stopped now.
The left learned from Soviet Russia that they can use Muslims to control Christians. Muslims were volunteer secret police that disappeared Serbs over a long period of years. That is why the Serbs came out fighting when the soviet union collapsed. The British Empire had "divide and conquer" right on their coins, that is how confident they were that they could mess with Muslims, people of India, etc. Nowadays the Left wants to partner up with Muslims and bring about the new order, revolution, whatever it is they are aiming for. Once they consolidate power they will kill the Muslims. It's how Marxists operate.