
  • Looks like a Terrorists Threat. Time for the FBI to Raid BLM Headquarters and quell the Threat.

    • The Brown shirt FBI won't do anything to BLM or ANTIFA. They are not Trump Supporters


  • We need to start shooting these assholes, I'm so sick of them!!!

  • ANTIFA: Unemployed young white males who claim to be Anti-Fascist... who then use Fascist Tactics to show how much they are Anti-Fascist!
    and think about this fact: BLM's black fascist brothers joined ANTIFA's white fascist's dudes in rioting and burning only black communities!
    Which validifies the statement: You can't fix stupid! 

  • Well, children, you bring it....we're waiting. IF not find your pacifiers and mommies.

  • Put them on a plane and drop them off in Afghanistan.

    • Or China.


  • Antifa and BLM are nothing but Nazi brown shirts. And need to be delt with accordingly. A short rope and a tall tree would be a good place to start.

    • Agreed. I have been saying this for quite some time and it now appears that the DOJ and FBI have also become the Communist Democrats Brown Shirts


    • I agree with both of you.


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