A notorious radical-left activist, and self-proclaimed Antifa member, is tipped to be in the running to take over as the next mayor of Portland, Oregon.
Voters in Portland will decide in November whether to elect Sarah Iannarone as an Antifa mayor, even after President Donald Trump vowed to declare the violent far-left group a domestic terrorism organization.
Iannarone, a longtime Portland community organizer, has made no secret of her political sympathies.
Last year, she proudly declared “I am Antifa” and wholly embraced the “Antifa mayor” label.
read more here: https://neonnettle.com/news/12523--antifa-member-tipped-as-portland-s-next-mayorTo those who say Antifa are violent thugs: I am not a violent thug and I am Antifa.
— sarah iannarone (she/her) (@sarahforpdx) January 27, 2019
I am Antifa because the Red Hats are coming after brown & black people, after Jews, after queer & trans people, and more.
They are coming after our democracy. #HolocaustMemorialDay #NeverForget
If the residents of Seattle actually elect this looney-tune, they deserve everything that will follow. And I hate to say that, since my two youngest daughters both live there. Lord, protect them from the spiritual darkness of these evil ones! ...... but Thy will be done.
They aren't violent????? Who is doing the rioting, looting, burning, raping, and killing????? It is blm and antifa "peaceful protestors", like islam is a "religion of peace". Just more lies from satan's people!!!!!
They've ALL been brainwashed by the Left! They actually BELIEVE the BS they are spouting! What does it take fro anyone tobe this moronic? And to think that everyone else in America is as dumb as THEY are?
Sarah is a liter just like the devil and that what Anfifa is childrens of the devil
Ha, Ha, Ha, Ho, Ho, Ho! Don't make me laugh. Not a chance the portland voters could still be that ignorant after what's going on there these days.
yes they can because the have been living in a lawlessness for quite sometime now.
it's getting crazy out there
Every thing they say is the opposite of the truth.
I am Jewish ... please don't "protect" me. Save it for people without brains!!
Lies and more lies coming from the far left antifa terrorists. "Red Hats" are NOT "coming after brown & black people, after Jews, after queer & trasn people, and more." First of all, real American patriots embrace, celebrate, and want to keep the Judeo-Christian tradition of the USA. So, not coming after Jews. Second, brown and black people support Trump more than they have supported any Republican president ever. So, no coming after bronw & black people who vote for Trump. Third, American people live and let live as long as it is within the moral bounds of our Judeo-Christian tradition.