
  • This November is headed for serious riots and chaos... whether Pres. Trump wins or loses. Unless Pres. Trump shifts gears and takes a hardline on violence we can expect the violence in our cities to accelerate. The President needs to demonstrate he is capable of acting decisively to stop domestic terrorism. It will take a major shift in policy to convince the Amerian people that he is able to stop the riots.

    Frankly, it is questionable that the President is capable of enforcing the laws of the United States... the internal resistance by the DOJ and others in his administration has kept him from dealing with criminal conduct in the government. However, bad actors in his administration is not an excuse the Public is likely to accept for allowing their homes to be burnt to the ground. The President will be blamed for any further riot and sedition by the left, not his cabinet.

    If the President fails to demonstrate the ability to mobilize the US Military against domestic terrorism... He can expect that to send a green light to ANTIFA and the BLM extremest that they can burn down the nation at will. The Public can expect to see total chaos in November unless the President demonstrates he is capable of arresting, detaining without bail, those who engage in domestic terrorism.

    The President needs to demonstrate he can deploy the necessary force to stop unlawful acts of terror in our cities. He should expect acts of terrorism to become more frequent and violent the closer America gets to November unless he acts decisively NOW... to deal with ANTIFA and BLM...

    If the President fails to deal with the riots NOW... not tomorrow... we can only expect major acts of domestic terror to multiply.

    • What has happened to you? You used to be totally behind Trump and now you are one of Trump's top critics on this site. Why would you even tell a lie like this one: "Frankly, it is questionable that the President is capable of enforcing the laws of the United States"? He doesn't need any more rinos to fight. We need to be on his side no matter what.

    • I still support the President... however, he needs to realize that allowing autonomous regions in the US even though they are more a joke than an official state... it is treason.  Treason must not be permitted to raise its ugly head in America and when it does it must be dealt with decisively and quickly.  Hence my recent diatribe to get Pres. Trump to take a hard look at what is happening and where this can lead in short order if it is not dealt with decisively and quickly.

  • I have seen what the weather underground and black panther party was like.  Bk in the 60s the libs learned something that we are catching up to BECOME TEACHERS AND THEN BRAINWASH OUR KIDS TO HATE AMERICA.   Oh yes and they learned then they began to take over everything.  Thank God Trump was elected but he cannot do the job alone.   We see the relentless attacks on him and now this.  I guess we cannot go to church or get our nails done but we probably can riot and loot.   Unreal isn't it.  Ans that one.  IT is time to vote soon and boy we must the nation is at stake.

    The pres laid down the law to gov inslee in WA so he is the only one doing any type of a job now.  Congress is dead except for a very few. Time to vote many of them out also.

  • Every journey begins with a single step... and ends in the way it begins... with a single step... all that is need is the commitment to take that first step... let us pray that the President will initiate the indictment of a host of high ranking seditionist and deep state operatives... in the journey to renew our government... 

    • I so look forward to the day when Trump renews our government and takes total control of the government and the country without having to fight any opposition, the deep state, or fake media. Once in total control, he will truly make America greater than it has ever been. Every real American patriot is in this fight with him.

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    • I am glad to see that you support unions and striking. NOT!!!

  • The FBI is aware of these activities ... it is their job to keep track of such belligerent and seditious organizations. However, the fact that Veritas can expose such unlawful conduct while the FBI is doing little to remove the leadership of ANTIFA, or to recommended their addition to the terrorist organization list is appalling. 

    Antifa has gone beyond 'free speech'... to engage in domestic terrorism as a means to implement anarchy.  They are no longer simply a radical political group. They crossed the line and are now domestic terrorists and seditionist.

    It is apparent that the FBI is incapable of performing its duty to defend the US from its internal enemies. It is time to remove the leadership of the FBI and to reorganize the Bureau from top to bottom.  ANTIFA is not the only a subversive radical group needing official designation as a domestic terrorist organization. 

    Islamic radicals are operating known terrorist training camps in the US... the FBI has allowed them to continue training operatives in the use of terrorist tactics, and too establish a Caliphate in the United States. Sedition and treason are openly supported by several Islamic Groups with impunity.

    It appears the FBI and CIA are not interested... in disrupting or removing such groups from our nation.  Instead, they are busy framing men like LTG Flynn for threatening to expose them as subversive infiltrators.

    • "....while the FBI is doing little to remove the leadership of ANTIFA..." It sure sounds like Trump needs to take charge of this. He really needs to get cranking on eliminating all opposition to him and the fake media. It is high time since nobody is doing anything against these antifa aka anti-fascists.

  • SPLC needs to be declared a terrorist Org. as well as Soros and company for funding terrorism, socialism and sedition.

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