We purchase ads and submit public announcements (video and audio) to every major newspaper and radio/cable network which summarize the heart of these findings and demands the state legislatures to recall their electors for Biden OR... that VP Pence refuse to seat them. We demand CRIMINAL PROSECUTION of State's Secretaries, Governors and Attorney Generals for certifying fraud and other violations of the Federal and State election laws. We ask the President to declare a national emergency and martial law due to the ongoing insurrection and coup taking place under the auspices of a fraudulent election... a type of asymmetrical warfare.
WOW! The crimes committed during this election are insidious. There absolutely needs to be accountability ENOUGH IS ENOUGH ALREADY! Give the order President Trump. Military Tribunals and military incarcerations need to take place NOW!
So what are the powers that be going to do with this information while the Democrat mainstream media keeps asking "Where's the evidence?"? If the GOP doesn't take this and run with it there is little reason to think that they really support either "We the People" or the Constitution that they are sworn to uphold. All we can do is keep telling them that we DO NOT and cannot accept the results of this fraudulent election, and keep praying for the survival of our constitutional republic.
So,WILLING CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED DENIED!!!...............Only Democrats can do that. I would like to see the LAW ABIDING GROW A SET and refuse this Goebbelist TYRANNY. They're counting on us to SUBMIT TO THEIR WILL,as usual.
No way! Because this time,it's FOREVER!!!! They'll MAKE SURE OF IT!!!
The law abiding are at a handicap .... needing leadership and funding to pay for the permits, insurance, bonds, facilities, and costs associated with massive rallies... the left just does it and says screw the law and the clean up knowing that their buddies in city hall and the police will look the other way. That is just one of the problems keeping many of the governed from taking action..
Another major problem keeping conservatives from engaging in political activism is that the conservatives work... they don't get paid for protesting or political activism... they aren't on welfare or other support that can keep them feed and clothed while protesting... they also have children that they actually support instead of getting state aid.
There are other reasons for conservatives being limited in their support for political action... things like family, church, neighborhood events, and a host of commitments to clubs and other events in the area. Where the welfare mob sees an opportunity to LOOT and barbecue the town... the conservative is volunteering at one of the soup kitchens the bastards set on fire.
So, don't blame the productive citizen for doing what they can... what is needed is better organization and LEADERS that actually want to see a return to Constitutional Government.... leaders willing to fund and commit to constitutional activist causes despite their party affiliation.
We purchase ads and submit public announcements (video and audio) to every major newspaper and radio/cable network which summarize the heart of these findings and demands the state legislatures to recall their electors for Biden OR... that VP Pence refuse to seat them. We demand CRIMINAL PROSECUTION of State's Secretaries, Governors and Attorney Generals for certifying fraud and other violations of the Federal and State election laws. We ask the President to declare a national emergency and martial law due to the ongoing insurrection and coup taking place under the auspices of a fraudulent election... a type of asymmetrical warfare.
"Casts doubts"? Whan a understatement!
Well duh.... so will we the people ever see justice???? Praying that we might. It will take a miracle
WOW! The crimes committed during this election are insidious. There absolutely needs to be accountability ENOUGH IS ENOUGH ALREADY! Give the order President Trump. Military Tribunals and military incarcerations need to take place NOW!
Meaning the perpetrators should be incarcerated in military jails.
The one who purchased them.
Perhaps we should print this out and all of us pick a so called reporter and submit this to them so they can see the evisence.
So what are the powers that be going to do with this information while the Democrat mainstream media keeps asking "Where's the evidence?"? If the GOP doesn't take this and run with it there is little reason to think that they really support either "We the People" or the Constitution that they are sworn to uphold. All we can do is keep telling them that we DO NOT and cannot accept the results of this fraudulent election, and keep praying for the survival of our constitutional republic.
So,WILLING CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED DENIED!!!...............Only Democrats can do that. I would like to see the LAW ABIDING GROW A SET and refuse this Goebbelist TYRANNY. They're counting on us to SUBMIT TO THEIR WILL,as usual.
No way! Because this time,it's FOREVER!!!! They'll MAKE SURE OF IT!!!
The law abiding are at a handicap .... needing leadership and funding to pay for the permits, insurance, bonds, facilities, and costs associated with massive rallies... the left just does it and says screw the law and the clean up knowing that their buddies in city hall and the police will look the other way. That is just one of the problems keeping many of the governed from taking action..
Another major problem keeping conservatives from engaging in political activism is that the conservatives work... they don't get paid for protesting or political activism... they aren't on welfare or other support that can keep them feed and clothed while protesting... they also have children that they actually support instead of getting state aid.
There are other reasons for conservatives being limited in their support for political action... things like family, church, neighborhood events, and a host of commitments to clubs and other events in the area. Where the welfare mob sees an opportunity to LOOT and barbecue the town... the conservative is volunteering at one of the soup kitchens the bastards set on fire.
So, don't blame the productive citizen for doing what they can... what is needed is better organization and LEADERS that actually want to see a return to Constitutional Government.... leaders willing to fund and commit to constitutional activist causes despite their party affiliation.