Antrim County: Cover Up?.


By Patrick Colbeck

It was a scene so iconic that merely typing the works “these aren’t” into your Google search bar yields links to the Star Wars scene in which Obi Wan uses a Jedi mind trick to convince “weak-minded” stormtroopers that R2D2 and C3PO were not the droids they were looking for.

Antrim County Clerk Sheryl Guy is digging into her own bag of tricks in an attempt to deceive people determined to get to the bottom of what truly caused a 5,754 vote flip from Donald Trump to Joe Biden in the 2020 election.

First, her office was caught by an ASOG Security Analysis which showed evidence of attempts to modify and delete security logs.

She later confirmed that she was responsible for these attempts to modify the election record chain of custody.

Then, she attempted to dismiss a lawsuit in which she was named a material witness. Judge Kevin Elsenheimer immediately reinstated the case.

Now, Clerk Guy is attempting to reset the software configuration.

Antrim-1.jpg 191w" alt="" width="332" height="522" />Proposed Agenda Item for March 18, 2021 Antrim County Commissioner Meeting

The proposed purpose of the “re-installation” is to ensure the voting system is running software “Certified for Use” by the Secretary of State of Michigan. Ostensibly, the software installation proposal is part of the preparation for their May 4, 2021 election. Sounds like something that should have been done BEFORE the November 3, 2020 election, doesn’t it? This action begs the question, what components of the current software configuration do not comply with the configuration “certified” by the State of Michigan?

Why would “non-certified” software components be of concern?

  • They can provide direct access to database allowing manipulation of election results without an audit trail
  • They can provide network access vulnerabilities which defeat advertised “air gaps”
  • They can provide algorithmic manipulation of vote results including fractional vote allocations
  • They can provide a means of matching counterfeit ballots with “eligible voters” who did not actually vote in election

If non-certified software components were installed as part of the configuration tabulating the November 2020 election results, it would be grounds for de-certification of the Antrim County election results. If non-certified software configurations were evident in other counties in Michigan, it would be grounds for de-certification of the Michigan election results. If non-certified software configurations were evident in other states, it would be grounds for the de-certification of election results in those states.

Granted, weak-minded people like the Stormtroopers on patrol in Star Wars would not find actions of the Antrim County Clerk Sheryl Guy concerning at all. In fact, according to “mainstream media outlets”, “this is not the evidence you are looking for”.

For the rest of us still convinced that 2+2=4, however, these transparent attempts to cover the audit trail for the 2020 election in the midst of a lawsuit are indeed cause for grave concern.

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