“They copied the master hard drives, they copied the thumb drives, they copied the key cards, they looked at the tabulators, they’ve got it all...”
— SuitcaseofDoom.357 (@ASimplePatriot) December 7, 2020
2/3 pic.twitter.com/wcln7ZWGjI
More info on how the inspection of the Antrim County, MI machines actually went down
— SuitcaseofDoom.357 (@ASimplePatriot) December 8, 2020
Michigan Attorney Gives Behind the Scenes Update on the IT Inspection of the Antrim County Dominion Machineshttps://t.co/nrTe7X0EaK
There are so many smoking guns that the courts cant finds the evidence... what we need are fewer smoking guns and more honest judges.... this election cycle must not be permitted to choose our president it is completely fraudulent.. I thought that it was illegal to have any voting machine connected to the internet. ... or to have a modem or wifi capable system.
How any judge can say there is no evidence of fraud proves just how big our problems are... we have lost our courts, our Legislatures, Congress, and law enforcement including prosecutors and judges.
Ronald, you said a mouthful of honesty and truth. Anyone declaring there is no proof of massive fraud is either stupid, a liar, or a liberal Democrat, but I repeat myself ....
Trump Is My President! Pure And Simple!
My guess is that he fled the country.
Nothing says stupid like office cubicle stupid.
It means Marlene, that the imagery of an intelligent human being occupying a desk in an office instead of doing physical labor, is contradicted by the sitting idiot who does so while running off at the mouth bragging about his Nation-wide criminal offense.
Marlene, Michael is referencing Mr. Coombs. I saw the same information about this POS named Coombs. Have a nice day Marlene.
Thank you sir.
Not directed Marlene. I am merely adding, not deriding. This fellow Coombs seems as bad as the idiot woman who tweeted her election worker fraud as a badge of honor.