
  • Declare a National Emergency and limited Martial Law...  Use the military to round up the criminal offenders in government... FBI, DOJ, DHS, CIA, JUDICIARY, etc.  Incarcerate the accused offenders at GITMO pending trial by Military Tribunal for treason, insurrection, sedition, and other crimes.  Pres. Trump needs to do this in the first 100 Days after taking office. 

    Martial Law can be tailored by Executive and Miliary orders... to limit its purpose, scope, and authority to the specific measures needed to clean house and restore Constitutional Government.


  • I would have NO PROBLEM flipping the switch and frying them all

    • Why waste electricity, just shoot them and send the bill for the bullet to the they do in China!

    • I would rather be the guy that pulls the lever that opens the trap door they are standing on while the looped rope is around their neck.

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