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  • Courts are not to represent political ideology or values... they are to administer the law as written and intended.  Only, an idiot would suggest that the Courts should become a venue to legislate or create law.

  • These idiots lost! They want to overturn my vote! They deserve NOTHING!

  • Just what might be this, so called, legal process be....never ever heard of it!!!

    • Congress has the Constitutional power thru legislation to create the Courts and to add or reduce the number of SCOTUS Justices, by amending the Federal Judiciary Act.

      However, both Houses of Congress and the President must sign off on any legislation to increase or decrease the number of Justices on the SCOTUS.  If the GOP retains the Presidency the democrats would need 2/3rds of both Houses to add to... (pack) the court.

  • Republicans follow the will of the American people. Trump won with a landslide in 2016, the Senate has the backing of most Americans. We represent the large majority of American patriots. Case closed.

    • Funny how the Repubs slid from "Repeal" to "Repeal and Replace" while we the UNrepresented, wanted all traces of 0care gone.

      They do not represent We the People. Not in my book.

    • The major winners in the Obama Care crisis are the INSURANCE COMPANIES... they avoided paying out trillions in liabilities for medical clams on their contracts with 10's of millions who had retirement benefits about to kick in... those retirement benefits included health insurance coverage by private insurance companies, who had SPENT the reserves necessary to carry these retirees as promised. 

      So, instead of being forced to make serious cuts in revenues to cover these baby-boomers retiring...  the Insurance Companies used the government-mandated ACA to eliminate private coverage...  Thus voiding out trillions in future medical insurance claims by an aging population...  The Insurance Companies stuck it to the USA's aging and retiring population, and the many employer-based insurance programs which were costing them revenues to pay for inflated medical procedures transferring the liability for these individuals to the ACA or Medicare. 

      The ACA of course is and remains unaffordable care for the vast majority of the middle class... They simply can't afford the huge premiums typically associated with the ACA Policies.  Most ACA covered individuals and families can not access care under the ACA, because the DEDUCTIBLES AND COPAYS are too large to afford. Thus many families and individuals are effectively uninsured... but paying huge premiums.  The ACA and Insurance Companies are defrauding tens of millions with the current premium and copay structure.

      Who wins with the above scenario... the CROOKED FRAUDSTERS know as Insurance Companies.

    • That is a great explanation, Col. And to piggyback off of that. this whole globalist marxist CoV/plan/scam/psy-op was purposed in part to destroy small business and coffin us with oligarchs w/ power to kill us, target, trace us, into their utopia world. God is merciful and with Amy now seated America will be changed back into alignment w/ God, eyes opened, curses lifted. We can count on Him to take revenge on our enemies. Keep praying

       For any so inclined, I suggest joining with the grouos calling fot an Esther Fast from Sat tbrough Mon pm. 3 days just as she did to save her people

      She bravely entered the King's throne room and said If I die I die. The King received her. extended His sceptor of Authority and gave her everything she asked for. including the death of the enemy of God,'s people. and the curse was lifted and destroyed. The anointing breaks the yoke. Thank you. Father God, for saving us. America shall be saved and turned.

    • sorry for typos.

    • I like the idea of a tree day fast like that of Esther's...  and it is the anointing of the Spirit of God that breaks the yoke of bondage, that too often holds back the spirit of the believer from exercising the power of God's Spirit in our lives.  Fasting focuses our faith and submits our flesh to the will of the Spirit... bringing both body and spirit in line with God's purpose.

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