AOC Memes Thread | Page 14 | GON ForumFacts are irrelevant to Dems.

It’s all about emotion-based manipulation…Demagoguery

The new rising star of the Democratic part Ocasio-Cortez shows that the Democratic party has no future because every day we hear something that doesn’t make a sense just like the rest of her party, they are all the same a living proof of Demagoguery!
Ocasio-Cortez today claimed that COVID-19 discriminates against minorities
She tweeted:

“COVID deaths are disproportionately spiking in Black + Brown communities,” tweeted the Democrat lawmaker. “Why? Because the chronic toll of redlining, environmental racism, wealth gap, etc. ARE underlying health conditions. Inequality is a comorbidity. COVID relief should be drafted with a lens of reparations.”


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