As I have stated several times... the Ukrainian conflict with Russia is quite complex and we need to stay out of it... giving humanitarian aid only...
The soverignty, economic, political, and long-standing historic relationship between Russia and Ukraine are deep and complicated. We need to remain supportive of a NEGOTIATED peace and if we play any role it must be as a neutral party... interested only in establishing a mutually acceptable, negotiated peace in the region.
Our current policy for Ukraine and Russia is extremely problematic... It is counterproductive for regional and world peace... Biden is playing with matches in a room filled with gas... and no one is willing to take away his matches.
This thing is as dumb as a rock just like the current so called leaders. Only voter fraud could have gotten her in office like a lot of the others. TERM LIMITS and strong voting laws are needed.
Yeah, and the huge audience she has indicates just how much the TRUTH matters to Democrats... This is a joke of a video... the speaker, AOC, her dog, possibly her cat, and their staffs are present... You can bet this will go viral (not) and will lead the narrative in the MSM. Of course, the speaker is correct... but that dpesn't matter and the MSM will report this rally as a a huge success ... ignoring the substance of this woman's comments.
What? there are 50 people there... maybe!
And every one of them was fooled by her....they voted for her and gave her the power she now has!
As I have stated several times... the Ukrainian conflict with Russia is quite complex and we need to stay out of it... giving humanitarian aid only...
The soverignty, economic, political, and long-standing historic relationship between Russia and Ukraine are deep and complicated. We need to remain supportive of a NEGOTIATED peace and if we play any role it must be as a neutral party... interested only in establishing a mutually acceptable, negotiated peace in the region.
Our current policy for Ukraine and Russia is extremely problematic... It is counterproductive for regional and world peace... Biden is playing with matches in a room filled with gas... and no one is willing to take away his matches.
Yes, but what do you want to bet they'll still vote for her?
Good for them to call her out!!!
This thing is as dumb as a rock just like the current so called leaders. Only voter fraud could have gotten her in office like a lot of the others. TERM LIMITS and strong voting laws are needed.
Yeah, and the huge audience she has indicates just how much the TRUTH matters to Democrats... This is a joke of a video... the speaker, AOC, her dog, possibly her cat, and their staffs are present... You can bet this will go viral (not) and will lead the narrative in the MSM. Of course, the speaker is correct... but that dpesn't matter and the MSM will report this rally as a a huge success ... ignoring the substance of this woman's comments.