
  • the communist Democrats own this! 

  • Every educated person knows that fascism comes from the far left. AOC is proof of that. I long for the day when people like AOC will have been erased from America's political scene and America is great again.

  • AOC is so corrupt and worthless I pray she and all of the demoncrats are defeated

  • Well, she's right about that. It's the Democrats that are the Fascists.  Hopefully, we'll become a free country after we vote out the Fascist Democrats.

  • What can you expect from the dumbest moron to ever hold office. They must have a course for the idiot Dems to teach them how to blame Conservatives for what they actually do. Hope we get some new Republicans voted in with spines.

  • I refuse your Communist rhetoric. BTW, the Republicans are pushing patriotism! 

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