Has your approval of Joe Biden changed over the past week? - Quora

U.S. Rep Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has said President Biden's falling poll numbers, particularly among younger people, is a real cause for concern as the Midterm elections edge closer.

The progressive Democrat who represents Queens and The Bronx in Congress said that she believes the president is risking the complete 'collapse' of his support among fellow progressives and young would-be Democratic voters.

But she believes that all is not yet lost and that the second half of Biden's first term could be saved if the president pushes some of his promised legislation through the use of executive action.

'We need to acknowledge that this isn't just about middle of the road, increasingly narrow band of independent voters,' Ocasio-Cortez told NY1.

'But, this is really about the collapse of support among young people, among Democratic base, feeling like they worked overtime to get this president elected and they aren't necessarily being seen,' she said.

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  • She is just scared that if we take the house and senate back NOBODY will OBEY her anymore

  • Yes he and his devilcrats  are demonic. 

  • It is purely Demonic.

  • There is no way this dumb as a rock idiot won her election without fraud and SOROS  $$$. She was groomed for her role in destroying this Country.

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