Opinion | The Supreme Court's “Breathtakingly Radical” New Approach to  Election Law - POLITICO

The president's campaign will continue pushing their legal fight toward the Supreme Court

The Trump 2020 campaign's legal team suffered another blow in court on Friday, as a federal appeals court in Philadelphia rejected the attorneys' effort to contest the results of the presidential election in Pennsylvania.

Judge Stephanos Bibas wrote on behalf of the three-judge panel that reviewed the appeal, "Free, fair elections are the lifeblood of our democracy. Charges of unfairness are serious. But calling an election unfair does not make it so. Charges require specific allegations and then proof. We have neither here."

Trump's attorneys have vowed to appeal the case to the Supreme Court, despite the round dismissal from the appeals court.

Senior strategy adviser for the Trump campaign Steve Cortes told Just the News that "We will be appealing to the United States Supreme Court, which has always been where we wanted to end up. The sooner the better. We want to make these cases before the high court and we believe we have a compelling argument to make."

The case was argued last week by President Trump's personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani, who presented the case that the results of the election had been undermined by widespread voter fraud across Pennsylvania. But Giuliani offered little tangible evidence to fortify his claims.

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  • This judge thinking we are a democracy is one more sign of our problems in tbe juducial  problems.

  • This judges are the problem where our country is going to and what is worse the AG and the DOJ is doing nothing. Obama is Santan anti Christ child and this idiots are its followers. We must stop this fraud election.

  • They are part of the deep state conspiracy.  I believe their plan is to "run out the clock" so the election FRAUD will succeed and America will become the base for satan's new world order.  If they succeed they still face judgement and an eternity in hell because they are satan's minions and will join him in eternal punishment!!!!!


  • Typical waste of time... go for the throat, declare martial law and indict the election officials for their crimes... use the investigative and lawful powers of a prosecutor and law enforcement to compel interviews with elections workers and pin down the fraud ... informing the workers they can go to jail for decades if they don't cooperate by telling the truth about the irregularities and fraud they observed... watch the house of cards come tumbling down when people are indicted on serious crimes with long jail sentences facing them... their recall and attitude about informing may change substantially. 

    • Col. Ron ... I understand you completely strategically. Speaking of tactics, though, please support Rudy (Giuliani) ... as an ex New Yorker, I know Mayor Giuliani to be excellent ... and his stature and reputation is world known!. Going off on your own ... publically under TPO's headline invites dismissal of your effort (albetit your good intentions) and damages TPO's standing. Time is short ... let's not waste it with an internecine conflict.

      I suggest that you contact Mayor Giuliani privately ... share your thoughts/ideas with him. I support you in so doing.

    • I agree, get the TRAITORS to the gallows as soon as possible.  The problem is the deep state TRAITORS, like john roberts, on the supreme court.  This is why the devildemocommiecrats tried to keep Barret off.

    • One needs to appreciate that the Democrats believed that Obama had corrupted the FBI and Dept. of Justice to the point where massive fraud would not be resisted.  They have been using Dominion software without impediment for a long time.  Since when have Nancy Pelosi's and Diane Feinstein's family join hands with the Venezuelans in investing and operating Dominion voting systems?  Since when have American votes been sent to Germany for counting?  Since when have the MSM believed that the "winning media teams" should fight for candidates elected using Dominion voting systems?  Since when has the Clinton Crime family been able to get away with murdering Vincent Foster and dozens of others who cross them?  It has been a long time.  What is amazing is that all of that has now been confronted.  How far will Giuliani and Sidney Powell be able to carry the prosecution of the Democrat criminals?   When will we see that George Soros is finally brought under treason charges for his subsidy of all the rioters who have committed violence against his opponents?  Will the California Criminal conspiracy to create a One Party State be brought to justice?  All of this is right in front of our eyes to see.  

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