The question on everyone’s mind – are Bill and Hillary Clinton connected to or involved with child sex trafficking or child labor trafficking networks – or, are they advocates for children as they portray themselves to be? Though, the focus is on both Bill and Hillary, this report will primarily break down a timeline of Hillary’s work as it relates to children, in addition to both of their connections with individuals who have been indicted and/or convicted of crimes against children – because they are stacking up. The information that follows will provide facts, for each person to use their own discernment in determining what they believe to be truth, or until further information is revealed.
Human trafficking is a $150 billion dollar industry.
Timeline of Hillary’s Work Specifically Involving Infants & Children:
1970: Worked at Yale Child Study Center, learning about early childhood brain development, and research assistant on the book Beyond the Best Interests of the Child, and handled cases of child abuse at Yale–New Haven Hospital
1970: Summer – worked on Walter Mondale’s Subcommittee on Migratory Labor
1971: Met husband Bill, interned at law firm Treuhaft, Walker and Burnstein where she worked on child custody and other cases
1973: Postgraduate study on children and medicine at Yale Child Study Center, her article “Children Under the Law” was published in the Harvard Educational Review, staff attorney at Marian Wright Edelman’s Children’s Defense Fund in Cambridge, MA, consultant to Carnegie Council on Children
1977: Co-founded Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families – a state level alliance with Children’s Defense Fund, and worked pro bono in child advocacy during her work at Rose Law Firm
1979: Published “Children’s Policies: Abandonment and Neglect and “Children’s Rights: A Legal Perspective
1985: Introduced Arkansas’s Home Instruction Program for Preschool Youth (preparedness & literacy)
1988-92: Children’s Defense Fund Chairman of the Board and on the board of the Arkansas Children’s Hospital’s legal services
1995: Wrote an article on orphaned children that led to the Adoption and Safe Families Act in 1997
1996: Published book “It Takes A Village: And Other Lessons Children Teach Us”
1997: Supported State Children’s Health Insurance Program, and promoted nationwide immunization against childhood diseases; hosted child care conference and early childhood development and learning conferences at White House; initiated and shepherded the Adoption and Safe Families Act which required states to terminate parental rights for children in foster care for 15 out of 22 months and provided funding for efforts in encouraging adoption as well as subsidies for adoptive children up through age 18; By executive memorandum, her husband President Bill Clinton added the “Adoption 2002 Initiative” which aimed to lower barriers to adoption so as to double the rate of adoption by 2002
1999: Instrumental in passing Foster Care Independence Act, doubling federal funding for teenagers opting out of foster care, launched the International Center for Missing and Exploited Children along with Lady Catherine Meyer and Cherie Booth Blair
2000: Hosted children and adolescents conference and conference on teenagers at White House
2005: Introduced the Family Entertainment Protection Act with other senators to protect children from inappropriate content found in video games
2007: Via Clinton Health Access Initiative, worked in Pakistan to train nurses and midwives to perform both births and abortions
2009: Via Clinton Health Access Initiative, worked in Zambia, Malawi, Haiti, Mexico and Central America to train nurses and midwives to perform both births and abortions. Partnered with the Polaris Project who runs the National Human Trafficking Resource Center and Hotline, and is also a Clinton Global Initiative member, to build an “Anti-trafficking approach replicable worldwide.”
2010: Clinton Health Access received $25 million from IKEA for CHAI to join the “Every Woman Every Child” initiative so CHAI can partner with governments to educate moms on the right treatment for their child’s diarrhea and encourage manufacturers to develop child-friendly formulations, with a focus in Kenya, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh.
2012: Hosted a Clinton Global Initiative Conference focusing on human trafficking, with former president Obama as they keynote speaker.
2013: Through Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation focused on early childhood development and initiative “Too Small to Fail” led by former Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard to encourage girls worldwide to enroll in secondary schools; Lead “No Ceilings: The Full Participation Project,” a partnership with Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to study data on progress of girls and women around the world; Via Clinton Health Access Initiative, launched a 7-year health program in Rwanda with Ivy Leagues from the U.S. and $150 million from the U.S. Government, to train over 6,000 young women to be nurses and midwives for performing both births and abortions.
2014: Partnered with the Polaris Project, a CGI member, in creating an online “Global Modern Day Slavery” database directory.
2018: Campaigned for women’s right to abortion, and cheered Governor Cuomo’s on, leading up to his announcement of passing New York’s new abortion laws allowing abortions up to full term, which removed legal protections for failed abortions where babies are born alive – meaning, they allow them to die.
Does all of this involvement with children equate to people who are advocating for children, or is it cover for other nefarious actions? Review all of the information below to draw conclusions.

Last year, the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), another entity that was never filed properly and is operating illegally, received over US$1.1 million for an award from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation – a huge contributor to the Clintons, and NORAD – who also helped fund their Ten Island Challenge program. The award was allegedly for saving the lives of mothers and newborns.
Hillary’s Involvement with The International Center for Missing and Exploited Children (ICMEC)
Back in the mid 1990s, Belgium reached out to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, in request for assistance with their missing children issues. The NCMEC’s Board of Directors authorized the creation of a new organization that would devote itself to doing globally what NCMEC was committed to doing in the United States. In 1998, members of the Board of the newly created International Center for Missing and Exploited Children (ICMEC) held their first meeting, and in April 1999 it was launched by then First Lady Hillary Clinton, Lady Catherine Meyer, and Cherie Booth Blair, wife of former British Prime Minister Tony Blair. The full archived press release can be viewed here.
read much more and draw your conclusions: