Enthusiasm and passion have been a hallmark of political action over all of history. Stating something strongly and with conviction gets attention and almost forces people to listen. But the last three years have seen political passion turn into an explosion of hatred and anger like never before. Why is this?
Psychologists say that anger arises when we have an unmet demand. Some angry reactions are reasonable, such as objecting to bad service at an expensive restaurant, or protesting against an injustice, but others are irrational, such as shooting a gun at someone who just cut you off in traffic.
We use emotions such as anger to help us survive in difficult situations. Scientists have found that all emotions cause neuro-chemical changes in the brain and hate and anger have a larger impact.
Jean Kim, M.D., a psychiatrist and a Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at George Washington University, writes, “Anger overrides all other moral and rational brakes in the brain because it originates from our primordial, original limbic system: the brain center of our most automatic emotions like fear and desire…. While anger feels good in the moment, it is in fact deeply illogical and destructive; it overrides all other moral and rational brakes in the brain.”
Edie Weinstein, MSW, LSW writes, “The neurotransmitter chemicals known as catecholamines are released causing a blast of kinetic energy that can last a few minutes. In a counterintuitive way, feeling bad sometimes feels good. Like any addiction, anger can induce discharge of dopamine epinephrine and norepinephrine. The adrenalin rush contributes to a sense of strength and invulnerability… it creates a sense of aliveness.”
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