ADMIN - Website Images, Vaccine, Memes (420 Images)

Fake President but Real Dictator Joe Biden: "We are going to protect the vaccinated workers from unvaccinated coworkers."  Ah, if only the "vaccinated" workers had as healthy immune systems as their unvaccinated colleagues.  Whatever the friendly U.S. government is injecting into people, it's certainly not inoculating against or inhibiting transmission of the Fauci Virus if the "vaccinated" must walk around in bubble-boy suits for the rest of their lives.  The "vaccine" that works so nice you have to take it,, we'll let you know when you've had enough, prole!

Before "hope and change" replaced the Scientific Method, not only did the medical community know the difference between males and females, but also vaccinations actually conferred immunity.  Is there some unwritten rule that we must endure fake vaccinations during fake presidencies?  I know we live in a time when the political left redefines words daily to fit its desired propaganda objectives, but if "vaccine" now means nothing more than "an injection that may or may not prevent illness so long as the subject remains in sterilized environments and wrapped in protective headwear," then that's hardly different from defining "bulletproof vest" as "a garment that may or may not prevent bodily harm, so long as the wearer curls up in the fetal position and hides from danger."  Now that Americans are being threatened with economic destruction unless they let Uncle Sam slap on some rubber gloves and play doctor, I think we know where this bowdlerization of medical terminology is naturally heading: "Vaccination, noun: The choice between letting the lying liars who run the U.S. government pump your an experimental serum into your veins or being forced into unemployment, homelessness, and starvation; also, Vaccinate, verb, a profane expletive for fornication, as in, 'The pudding-brained Pretender-in-Chief sure vaccinated me this time!'"

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