BLM vs Gun Owners Compared In EPIC Meme

I’m not surprised, though I am chagrined, that a lot of people, including people I know and respect, are buying into the idea that what we’re in the midst of is a Marxist revolution in the U.S.

Look, I understand, okay? Not as many people have had the experience I had of living under unbridled, unmasked Marxist power, so you don’t understand their myths and how they actually connect with reality. Oh, you’re starting to see it, as the left drops its masks, but it’s not the same as seeing them running around, showing their behinds and expounding the craziest theories during your formative years, when your eye is unsparing. There is a reason it was a little boy who cried “the king goes naked.”

Let’s start with what the left thinks they are doing:

They think they’re bringing about their utopia, their heaven on Earth.

They have been programmed – indoctrinated, really – from birth via the media, education, entertainment, and – heaven have mercy – even churches and synagogues into believing what amounts to a heretical Christian sect.

There are many variations of the Communist mythos, mostly Marx, but with its roots firmly in Rosseau. They range from racial ones (one to each race) to feminist ones. There are probably others I haven’t even heard about.

The myth goes like this: in the beginning, there was no capitalism (the cult’s quaint name for any free buying and selling or trade. (This is why they call monarchies capitalism or private property.) This was the dawn of man, the perfect state of humanity. Because there was no property there was no envy and no crime. Man (and particularly woman) lived in a time of innocence. In this perfect utopia – feminist version – women ruled, sex was free, babies were brought up communally, and every woman could do as she pleased. In the racial version, the poor now-oppressed race were the rulers, and therefore there was no property, etc., etc. No crime.

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  • I know one thing the left has tried all it can to get rid of Trump. They did not mind tanking the economy to do it and this virus garbage is well on its way out.   This riots in Portland are just the next wave of lunacy they know.   They will try anything.  

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