Can Memes Finally Win the Vaccine War for Science?

Arizona on Tuesday filed suit against President Biden's vaccine mandate by arguing it is unfair because migrants at the southern border are not required to get the jab. 

Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich, who is running in a crowded GOP primary to unseat Democratic Sen. Mark Kelly, claimed the president is illegally favoring unlawful migrants, who are offered a jab but not required to take it.

Meanwhile, federal workers are required to get vaccinated and businesses with 100 or more employees must require a vaccine or a weekly Covid-19 test, according to Biden's order. Employers that do not comply could face a $14,000 fine. 

In the suit, the attorney general argued that the vaccine mandate violates the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution. 

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  • My body my choice only applies to killing babies.......

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