
  • Just think during WWII President Roosavelt took out all Japanese Americans out of their homes and sent them to camps for the protection of the country today Biden open our borders to the illegals not knowing who is entering the country and today Americans who want to protect the country are terrorize to them but what makes me angry is our spineless cowards Republicans are not doing nothing starting with the idiot McConnell and that's why they fear President Trump they know what will happen if Trump win the presidential election 

  • We may need to find a grassroots uprising that is based on the Constitution and Serving our fellow Americans and Not the parties that have become so corrupt.

    • Exactly right!  We need to act outside of the two party system........

    • We definetly need a new gressroots.

    • That uprising is led by Donald J. Trump.


  • Our government is out of control! We need to correct this before we lose the country!

    • Exactly! How we going to do that after the Democratic party stole the election?

    • You may not have to worry about that, Jeff.  Watch Julie Green on

    • Absolutely!

  • I work with the Amish in their homes and LIVE in their community, know them well enough that they are going to do a barn raising for me, meaning about 100-125 will show up, and they get paid by a couple meals through the day. A favor basically! 
    They will not stand against the government, certainly not armed! They are completely against any kind of aggression, they would go to prison before they would harm another human. It is very unusual for any of them as in this video, to be photographed. I personally  wish they were a bit more aggressive, better informed about laws, that they stood up for their communities, but most of the time they go along to get along hoping things stop there! Live and let live! 
    We have not seen any of this in Ohio yet, I'm sure it's a matter of time, but unless their actual survival is at risk......they will go hungry before they get physical. 

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