Holy moly what is happening here? https://t.co/W143QRlIFG
— Raheem Kassam (@RaheemKassam) November 5, 2020
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Holy moly what is happening here? https://t.co/W143QRlIFG
— Raheem Kassam (@RaheemKassam) November 5, 2020
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Russia is nothing to the Democrats when it comes to stealing an election
Lorenzo, the devildemocommiecrats are acting like this is Stalin's Soviet Union. They think they are going to roll over us with tanks. I believe that Almighty God is going to destroy them, hopefully just them and not the entire nation. Could this be His judgement on a nation that has thrown Him out of society? I have opposed the libtard satanic agenda for years, doing what I could to oppose it and woill continue to do so.
Know this... the wrath of God is not laid up for the heirs of salvation.
"…8 But since we belong to the day, let us be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love, and the helmet of our hope of salvation. 9 For God has not appointed us to suffer wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. 10 He died for us so that, whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with Him.…" (1Thes 5: 8-10)
We have the promise of God that we shall not suffer His wrath... for his grace and MERCY, not wrath, are the inheritance of the righteous in Christ.
You are right Lorenzo. We didn't even have to have the dumb election. Everyone knows that the large majority of Americans supports Trump and that Trump would win a fair election with a huge landslide. Now we might be descending into commie land....
Knowing is not always accepted as proof... this is especially true in a court of law. We can know but we also must provide evidence to support what we know.
where is a supervisor? this is not good
Jeff, probably was a supervisor. all of the workers there are devildemocommiecrats. I have seen a few dem poll watchers complaining about how things are being done. Everyone in America should be outraged at fraud!!!!!
Most likely a vote for President Trump
Several videos are available showing individuals without uniforms or police escort emptying Ballot Collection Boxes located in various neighborhoods, They are emptying these ballots into plain canvas bags. When asked for credentials, these individuals failed to produce any, and in one case they could barely speak English. Is it possible that Antifa, La Raza, BLM, and others are collecting and destroying ballots collected from areas with known heavy concentrations of conservative/Republican voters and then dumped in some landfill or burnt? The FBI needs to examine these videos and demand local election officials identify those collecting the ballots as their agents and produce them for questioning on where the ballots ended up.
How are ballots being collected? Who is collecting them and where do these official ballots end up... in some landfill if they are collected from drop boxes in traditional Republican neighborhoods? Why are the individuals collecting the ballots not being stopped by police and asked for ID or some form of identification that permits them to secure ballots...
This system of ballot collection is not secure and easily abused ... introducing fraudulent ballots and destroying valid ballots is easily possible under the present system.
I would also caution that the legal action being taken appears to be frivolous... POORLY submitted to the court... resulting in the Government/Trump's complaints being thrown out in many incidents.
The commentator is right. If this is not voter fraud, I don't know what voter fraud is. It is also the only explanation how a deep red state like Georgia isn't in the bag for a deep red conservative like Donald J. Turmp yet.