
  •  The key thing here is to start to organize ourselves.   85 million patriots, each sitting at home in front of their TV or computer, equal zero.

    But just one percent of that 85 million -- 850 000 people, if they were organized in the right sort of local groups -- call them 'Community Defense

    Teams, Neighborhood Protection Groups, whatever -- with some training, division of labor (medical, tactical, engineering, comms, logistics), practice,

    smart community outreach and PR -- could be the nucleus of a movement a hundred times as powerful as these rioting vermin, and their hidden sponsors.

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    • Exactly.  So we have to sit down together, at sites like this and elsewhere, and VERY COOLY, calmly, work out what to do about it.

      And whatever we do, it has to be organized.


  • I know a lot of Vets that will fix this crap for nothing if the Government stays out of their way. 

  • a follow up press conference' stacy abrams says that you don't need id to be a member of antifa

  • Another"mostly peaceful protest" by the Demo-Commie-Crats approved Goon squad. Hey BLM and Antifa...say hello to our little friends.10946727455?profile=RESIZE_930x

  • The Demoncrats are responsible for chaos that's allowed to happen. It's part of their plan to eventually declare martial law and establish a socialist marxist government.

  • Too damn bad their expolosives didn't blow up in their own faces

    • That can be arranged!

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