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  • And the corrupt skank fired the whistleblower for revealing corruption, that is what devildemocommiecrats do, cover up corruption and fire and/or prosecute anyone who brings it out into the open!!!!!!!!!!

  • Rome burns and all the GOP and Dems can do is point fingers.s... while they fiddle around with our soverignty and secuirty..  Impeach Fani and while at it the Governor, Secretary of State, and Georgia attorney General ... for starters. 

    This is just the latest political distraction designed to shift the national narrative away from our border and Immigration crisis... this is just more Kabuki theater... the governor should remove Fani ... move to disbar her and her accomplices ... including the judge.  However, that is not the plan... the plan is to destroy our confidence and trust in the government and its institutions of law 

    • Ron what you say is true but it is even worse than you stated!!!!!  The devildemocommiecrats want to destroy America and establish the global dictatorship they lust after so greatly!!!!!!!!!!


    • It would be interesting to know what their getaway plans are after "THE COLLAPSE"--They could prevent if they could combine back bone and FAITH In GOD.......

    • TELL THEM ---

      House of Representatives
      Command Center is a social network
    • Too true

  • Warned Fami - she was in on it from the start.

  • The governor and all of the senior election officials need investigation... the SOS, Attorney General, and the supervisors of state elections need to be investigated, and if evidence of election corruption is found prosecuted.

    • Makes one wonder-how many of these corrupt officials have had a restful night's sleep since they began to "alter" peoples "sacred vote"

    • Richard, those people have NO morals and souls as black as the darkest night!!!!!!!!!!


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