
  • There must have been a "Mass Chemical Castration", very similar to the one under the current guise of Covid Vaccination today, in order for once healthy, independent males to become instant fairies so willing to immediately give up all that was so sacred and dear to their Founding Fathers!

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

  • Australia get your country back don't let the socialist take control of your life 

  • This  is all BS the vaccines do not work and most people dying now of covid are fully vaxed. DUH

  • Every Position from the PM downwards is an Elected Position. Replace them Via Vote, as We Need To Do Here!

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

  • They need a backbone  and free them self's from there communest.  We the free people  are willing to  fight 


  • Why does the headline talk about Australia but the story is about New Zealand???  WTF?  Stuff like this makes you lose credibility.

    • They are training us for communism, to read between the lines, to pay attention, to see things for ourselves. Hahahahahaha
       Crap happens, we are intelligent enough to figure it out, these mistakes are just that, much like misspelled words, between all of us being in a hurry and auto correct it's a wonder we don't see more mistakes.
      Usually I'm a stickler for correctness, but the conversation and ideas a lot more important!

  • Really? Hadn't noticed.

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

  • Those dumb Australians don't stand up against Jacinda Ardern. They deserve her. It  wouldn't happen here in the US where we the people always stand up against oppressors.

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