Donald Trump's 'they're after you' tweet says it all: Goodwin

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    • If information is what you are looking for, I would suggest this video. Better hurry it won't stay on YouTube for long.

      End Game


  • They just want equality for us all....the want us all to be equally poor and under their control.

    • And equally dead. Lets not forget that long-term ambition of theirs.

  • A couple of quotations for your consideration:

     “You will own nothing, and you will be happy.”

    --- Klaus Schwab ---

     “Freedom and Property Rights are inseparable. You can’t have one without the other.”

    --- George Washington ---

     Which of these seems more appealing to you? Which of these men is more worthy of your trust?


  • I'll tell you what it will look like, Health Chief Skank.

    A Nuremberg trial, followed by eight bights on a noose with a short drop for you.


  • Take your new world order and shove it up your ***

  • Finally an honest politician! We already knew what their plans were. You'd have to be an idiot not to see it. Thank god I still have my guns and 2nd amendment rights. There are more of us patriots than there are of these psychos.

    • But......but, remember whan Biden said? You may have the guns, but we have nukes!
      He also completely changed the top leadership in our military, these bastards will order our military against the people. Don't know how many would follow, but this is all really bad news and basically shows they aim to take over. Did you see the constitution was marked as dangerous, or offensive reading at the museum?

    • These puppets will not by direction contaminate the World their masters intend inheriting.

    • I saw that as well and sent them a scathing email

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