
  • To any who read this thread, let me WOW you!

    I just heard a Trump messege declaring he would cure the border invasion by an obscure law known as the Alien Enemies law.

    I knew that the Alien and Sedition act had been repealed but was curious what Trump referred to. 

    YUP! One of four laws passed in 1798 escaped repeal, and that was the Alien Enemies act.

    Trump can use it the first day in office to compel mass expulsion of the illegal alien masses now in the Country.

    But wouldn't you know it, the Democrats also checked it out and panic-reacted.

    Lookie at the title of this new bill and the date:

    BILLS-116s4837is.pdf (

    And here is what it looks like in Jpeg:

































    Tell me Democrat skulldugery is not planned in advance, I dare you!

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