Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) on Thursday introduced a ban on more than 200 “assault weapons” after the House passed two gun-control measures pertaining to background checks.
Her bill (pdf), called the “Assault Weapons Ban of 2021,” is co-sponsored by 34 Senate Democrats and would ban ammunition magazines that hold more than 10 rounds—similar to the bans on magazines in New York state and California.
According to the legislation, which was also introduced in the House by Rep. David Cicilline (D-R.I.), the ban would encompass more than 205 rifles. Feinstein’s bill would allow current owners of the guns to retain possession of them. If that gun is transferred, a person has to undergo an FBI background check before getting the firearm.
The bill also bans any weapon that has the capacity to use a magazine that isn’t a fixed ammunition magazine and has one or more characteristics such as a pistol grip, forward grip, a threaded barrel, a folding or telescoping stock, or a barrel shroud.
The bill “requires that grandfathered assault weapons are stored using a secure gun storage or safety device like a trigger lock” and prohibits the transfer of high-capacity ammunition magazines while banning “bump-fire stocks and other devices that allow semi-automatic weapons to fire at fully automatic rates,” according to a news release from Feinstein’s office. Bump-fire stocks were made illegal in March 2019.
“It’s been 17 years since the original Assault Weapons Ban expired, and the plague of gun violence continues to grow in this country. To be clear, this bill saves lives. When it was in place from 1994-2004, gun massacres declined by 37 percent compared with the decade before. After the ban expired, the number of massacres rose by 183 percent,” Feinstein said in a statement Thursday.
These are NOT assault weapons!!!!! They are assumining they are military weapons just the way some of them look. That is the same as demoncraps assume if you are white you are racist or a white supremist. Or if you are black you are a criminal, just because the way you look! Who needs to be banned is that "mad" old witch!
Les, very true. I have a .22 rifle with an "angel fire" stock that gives it the appearance of an AR-15 so will be declared an "assault weapon" under their plan. It is a semi-automatic rifle for target shooting and hunting rabbits and squirrels!!!!!!!!!! Leftists wouldn't know an "assault weapon" from a toilet bowl!!!!!
A Perfect opportunity to point out the Most Obvious of Enemies to America Occupying a Seat of Power in Our Congress who represents the interests of a Foreign Power. What does Feinstein, Blumenthal, Deutch, Schumer, Adam Schiff etc, and there are 9 in the Senate and 28 in the House and granted Not All are always taking a Stand to Disarm American's but guaranteed ALL will sign on as Sponsors with None but maybe a literal few in opposition to a so-called "Gun Control" Bill?
I'm almost Certain ALL have Dual Israeli-"American" Citizenship which is the ONLY one's in Congress to possess this un-Constitutional and Dangerous status because ALL will side With Israel over America Except in the most frivolous of causes and it's Always Feinstein, Schumer, Blumenthal and Deutch representing the face of a Disarmed American Citizenry. There is NO such thing as "Common Sense Gun Control and this has gone on for Long Enough!! This is TREASON Clear & Simple and why I have been calling for We American's to Demand a very simple solution to this Disarmament Agenda that is controlled by the Zionist's or their indoctrinated, bribed, Marxist/Communist Leftist Radicals in the Democrat "Communist Party USA" Congress that has been masquerading as the Old American Political Institution that once was the Democrat Party since at least 1963, and that is:
ANY Member of the U.S. Congress or Any elected Politician whether a Governor, Mayor, State Legislator, Attorney General, City/Town/Village Council et al that Sponsors, co-sponsors, introduces or Illegally Rams through ANY kind of Law/Bill/Dictate/Order etc, such as New York State Governor and Progressive Communist Totalitarian Andrew Cuomo did in 2012 with the Illegal and UnConstitutional "NY SAFE ACT" be Immediately Arrested and be held in Military Indefinite Detention with NO bail on the charges of Treason, sedition, subversion and subterfuge against the Best Interest of the American People and for actions and behavior unbecoming of a United States Citizen and Elected Government Official in direct conflict with their Oath of Office and disregard of the United States Constitution and State Constitution from wherein they reside with Life in Prison or the Penalty of Death. ---------------- This would Forever End the Treasonous and subversive actions, carrers and Waste of Time and Money of certain Members of Congress with ulterior motives and Allegiance to the interests of a Foreign State/Power or Government. This Should have been done a Long Time Ago because "Shall Not Be Infringed" must have lost it's original meaning somewhere after 1932.
gun control is about control not about safety!!!!!!!!!!
The Right Of The PEOPLE To KEEP and BEAR ARMS, shall not be infringed.
The 2nd Amendment of the Constitution of the united states of America clearly states that "the right of the people to keep and bare arms SHALL NOT be infringed". There are no "unless" caveats written into the amendment. Our founders very clearly understood the dangers of a tyrannical government as they had just fought a war to get out from under a tyrannical government.
The legislation passed in the aftermath of the "gangster era" of the 1920s and 1930s were passed with the best of intentions but were still unconstitutional, even though they were designed to allegedly curb the firepower available to brutal murderers who killed anyone who happened to be around when they decided to open fire. The Mafia and independent criminals often used automatic weapons to outgun the police, the same police the left now wants defunded and disbanded.
The whole idea behind gun control ic control of We the People, having NOTHING to do with safety for anyone. I have heard leftist devildemocommiecrat politicians say the 2nd Amendment was written when personal firearms were muskets and nothing more modern qualifies. If the founders meant for that to be the case why did they not specify what types of weapons qualified for possession by citizens?
The truth is that corrupt power hungry political wannabe despots know that citizens being armed is a threat to their lust for the power to enslave us. Every despot in history has made disarming citizens the first act in their despotic reign of terror so they don't have to be concerned with citizens defending themselves against brutal tyranny. The contention that any semi-automatic firearm is an "assault weapon" or a "weapon on war" is beyond ludicrous and merely lying talking points of would-be tyrants designed to render We the People defenseless in the face of brutality.
"Assault weapons", like the M-4 Carbine are weapons capable of full automatic fire. The fools who support the leftist agenda say, erroneously, that an AR-15 is an "assault rifle". The AR stands for Armalite Rifle not automatic rifle as low information, low intelligence people have been told. Armalite is the name of the company that produces the AR-15 sporting rifle used for target shooting and hunting.
Yes, an AR-15 can be used to commit murder but that is the fault of sin in the world and the bleeding heart liberals who put the blame for crime on those not committing crimes while excusing the criminals as "victims of society". I have owned firearms for 50 years but neither I nor any of my firearms have ever committed a crime. A firearm is an inantimate object that can do nothing on its own. I have seen crime statistics that show "assault weapons" cause fewer deaths than knives, cars, and hammers but facts don't matter to despots intent on subjugating citizens. Statistics also prove that most gun related crime occurs in the "gun free" utopias run by devildemocommiecrats.
The saddest part of this is that the low information, low intelligence people who support gun control will find themselves victims of the same tyranny they wish on people like me but are too stupid to understand the danger they are in. History has shown that despots don't just enslave their outspoken opponents but wind up terrorizing even those who initially support them. Despots want total control over everyone not just selected groups and devildemocommiecrats aren't any different than Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Castro, or any other tyrant that has seized control of their nation. Madame botox, nutty nancy pelosi and her evil cohorts seek to subjugate We the People under their absolute control of every aspect of American life and subject us to lives of poverty and slavery under their thumbs. The irony in all this coming despotism is that congress CANNOT negate the Constitution by passing unconstitutional legislation but corrupt judges side with corrupt politicians against the Constitution and We the People.
I submit this in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, the Father, Son Jesus, and the Holy Ghost, in faith, with the responsibility given to me by Almighty God to honor His work and not let it die from neglect.
Bob Russell
Claremore, Oklahoma
March 13, 2021
Democrats are TOTAL MORONS!!! both the Dem politicians, and the Dems who VOTE FOR THEM!!!
How man street thugs carry around an AR-15 weapon... WITH OR WITHOUT A 30 ROUND MAG??? Virtually ZERO!!!
This bill does NOTHING of value for anyone but DEMOCRAT POLITICIANS who feel the need for some good, old-fashioned VIRTUE SIGNALING!!!
A ban or restrictive gun law(s) on any gun has “never” reduced crime if anything it has increased crime. For anyone who does not yet understand that those kinds of laws take guns out of law abiding citizens hands but “not” the criminals (outlaws) hands. People who do not obey laws will not start obeying them just because they are gun laws passed by the federal legislature and signed into law by president Biden. That is why they are referred to as outlaws. Gun laws are the laws they mostly do “not” adhere to. So it emboldens them and makes their job (murdering, robbing, stealing and burglary right along with all other criminal acts like car jacking and kidnaping) much easier because “the criminal will be armed,” when only the law enforcement can have guns. Don’t we know by now law enforcement cannot be everywhere at the same time? But law abiding citizens are! Keep in mind also these communists, who are hiding in plain sight disguised as democrats, are for defunding our law enforcement and for releasing more convicted criminals from our prisons. Without even considering the illegal alien criminals who are now roaming our streets freely. How is all that a logical plan? Perhaps one of those make believe democrats would explain that and let us know their objective there? How is it no one has asked? Biden calls his suggested gun restrictive gun laws common sense gun laws. Why is that? Is it because it was he who suggested them? Is that like shooting a shotgun into the air to ward off a criminal? However, there is no such thing as a common sense “restrictive” gun law when all the facts are out. We here in America have passed restrictive gun laws since the 1920's yet we still have gun crimes. Perhaps, after nearly a hundred years of failing with restrictive gun laws, we should try another approach. Now that might be common sense!
A Perfect opportunity to point out the Most Obvious of Enemies to America Occupying a Seat of Power in Our Congress who represents the interests of a Foreign Power. What does Feinstein, Blumenthal, Deutch, Schumer, Adam Schiff etc, and there are 9 in the Senate and 28 in the House and granted Not All are always taking a Stand to Disarm American's but guaranteed ALL will sign on as Sponsors with None but maybe a literal few in opposition to a so-called "Gun Control" Bill?
I'm almost Certain ALL have Dual Israeli-"American" Citizenship which is the ONLY one's in Congress to possess this un-Constitutional and Dangerous status because ALL will side With Israel over America Except in the most frivolous of causes and it's Always Feinstein, Schumer, Blumenthal and Deutch representing the face of a Disarmed American Citizenry. There is NO such thing as "Common Sense Gun Control and this has gone on for Long Enough!! This is TREASON Clear & Simple and why I have been calling for We American's to Demand a very simple solution to this Disarmament Agenda that is controlled by the Zionist's or their indoctrinated, bribed, Marxist/Communist Leftist Radicals in the Democrat "Communist Party USA" Congress that has been masquerading as the Old American Political Institution that once was the Democrat Party since at least 1963, and that is:
ANY Member of the U.S. Congress or Any elected Politician whether a Governor, Mayor, State Legislator, Attorney General, City/Town/Village Council et al that Sponsors, co-sponsors, introduces or Illegally Rams through ANY kind of Law/Bill/Dictate/Order etc, such as New York State Governor and Progressive Communist Totalitarian Andrew Cuomo did in 2012 with the Illegal and UnConstitutional "NY SAFE ACT" be Immediately Arrested and be held in Military Indefinite Detention with NO bail on the charges of Treason, sedition, subversion and subterfuge against the Best Interest of the American People and for actions and behavior unbecoming of a United States Citizen and Elected Government Official in direct conflict with their Oath of Office and disregard of the United States Constitution and State Constitution from wherein they reside with Life in Prison or the Penalty of Death. ---------------- This would Forever End the Treasonous and subversive actions, carrers and Waste of Time and Money of certain Members of Congress with ulterior motives and Allegiance to the interests of a Foreign State/Power or Government. This Should have been done a Long Time Ago because "Shall Not Be Infringed" must have lost it's original meaning somewhere after 1932.
Oh yes - a Chinese double agent would introduce an "assault weapsons" ban - bet she doesn't even know what an assualt weapon is. She probably thinks it is any black gun (and how many aren't?)