
  • Does the people of our countries understand how they get their products? Everything is transported by trucks. Drivers leave family sometimes for week,maybe two weeks. Most consumers go home at nite,these drivers sleep in trucks,hotel,motel. Truckers are absolutely the reason our countries function. Elected need to be run out of office today. Quicker the better. These socialist have to be removed from society permanently.

  • If the Globalists backing Trudeau think that Real Canadians are going to submit to the will of this “pretty boy”, they’re in for a rude awakening. This trucker convoy was just the first skirmish in the guerilla war that has begun in Canada. This ‘sissy’ that’s trying to make sounds like a real man is NOT going to steal the freedom from these people.


  • This is what Obama ,Biden and the Crazy Left has been  trying to bring to America since the election of Obama .

    The Constitution and the Bill of Rights is the only things that stand in their way ,,,, Defend them or become Canada .

  • USA is next victim of treasonist leadership. Biden will try to follow Trudeau as he has Gestapo working for him in Canada. I have always stood with police but if happens here I will not support them. When police goes against their own oath and constitution it is over. .

  • If biden was taking bank accounts and property from peaceful protestors, do you think that would make the American people fight back.  I think not. I will not be paying my taxes this year and would encourage all tax payers to do the same.  A few won't stand a chance.  But, several million will definitely make a difference.  I love this country too much to stand by and watch an idiot like Biden and the left wingers and the rino's ruin this country.  Democrats are the enemy of the United States.  They must be stopped and stopped now, by any means necessary.  

    • Biden don't care if taxes are paid,he will just print more to cover himself. Biden wants our investments like 401 accounts. He wants to combine them with social security. There is only one way to stop terrorist 

    • M-Lo, you know.

    • Americans need to get pissed off enough. Citizens elected are nothing compared to truckers. Congress has been absent past 30 plus years, I know we could not survive without truckers.Socialist thought they could refund police, now they are crying to get them back. Stupid gets people killed.


    The Canadian Freedom Convoys.

         I think a far better way to win against Trudeau is, instead of closing the inter-Provence highways & cities to public travel and taking the blame, just go home, just park it! DO NOT TRANSPORT ANYTHING, which was the idea behind this strike in the first place. This isn’t about vaccine mandates anymore, IT’S ABOUT OUR FREEDOMS!  Let him own it!

        IF this is done, the truckers won’t be risking anything, donations to the convoy will go a lot further, no hypothetical laws broken, no huge outlay of cash, no lose of their trucks, and will accomplish the same end.

       There would be no money lost except for income which they are already losing, and the donations from around the world could easily pay for that. This phenomenon is growing world wide. We don’t want this movement destroyed by out-of-control Socialist Governments like Canada & the U.S.

       Btw, most of those trucks are financed at some level by the Bank of Canada and they do NOT want those trucks back!! If these trucks AND truckers are lost because of Government mandates, intervention & overreach, those banks WILL get the trucks back, the Commerce in Canada WILL STOP and Canada WILL GO BANKRUPT, PERIOD!

                                                “Stop the Mandates”!!

                            “Canada, be careful what you wish for”.

                                             “U.S., YOU ARE NEXT”!



  •  Canada citizens need to stand and fight. Don't these citizens understand that truckers are needed more than elected. How many elected will deliver food and fuel??  Your our entering world you have only read about Canada . I have always backed law enforcement,but in Canada they represent Hitler's gestapo.

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