
  • Im not sure i agrre with D.C. being rattled by the supposed upcoming investigations, They should be, But based on the past noting will be settled the swamp is always going to be the swamp, There is a lot for some to be held accountable for BUT WILL THEY? Bsed on the past NO THEY WONT, We all know what HILLARY got away with we all know what members of congress got away with we all know what the DOJ and FBI did we all know what the NEws media and Big Tech got away with and some are continuning to get away with yet NOTHING has or will ever be done about,Nothing in our nation is going to change until the American people wake up drain the swamp and demand accountability. The Republicans in the House will spend the next two years on investigations and spend millions of taxpayer dollars and in the end NOTIHING WILL BE DONE ABOUT ANY OF IT, If we wont change in our nation we cant rely on investigation from Congress the FBI DOJ its going to be up to the voters in this country to clean up Washington, As voters we must wake up and understand The swamp is not going to clean itself up we the voters must do it for them.

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