
  • We the people are grateful to Steve Bannon for fighting the establishment even if he is part of the establishment - Harvard, Wall Street, private equity. He is just like Trump who couldn't be corrupted by the billionaire class, either, who stayed close to the people, who dedicates his life and previous success to we the people and our Republic.

    • He is such a dedicated fighter. He never tires or  wearies in the fight. Even if he does, he keeps going. I am grateful for him as you are.

  • Meaning they want the serfs back where they think thery belong.

  • Heck yes the Dems want to destroy the middle class. 1 reason we work, we are not dependent upon the government for anything.  2 If the government  gives it to you, the government can take it away. 

  • It's not just the working class, it's everyone who isn't behind them, all who don't hate Trump, Christians, Jews at any level of society, blacks who switched sides......they want to shut out everyone who isn't with them!  Who are the dictators? 

    • I do believe WE THE PEOPLE outnumber the so-called establishment by 10X's plus: there is no way they can divide, or defeat us as long as we work together!

    • Agreed

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