everything he spouts should be directed toward himself?
Since he hates this country so much, HE SHOULD LEAVE, Let's see, Cuba would work! Hmmm, choose N Korea, with all its freedom? I think he would love China!
And then we could say "good riddance to bad company, Get lost‼️
No, they are taking the entire nation down the road to ruin... If the Marxist Democrat Party is not removed from power this election cycle will see the end of America as she was previously known.... she will become one more failed socialist state. Reforms must occur now or they will never take place.
Skeptical > Ronald A. Nelson COL, USA, RetiredMay 22, 2021 at 12:04pm
" If the Marxist Democrat Party is not removed from power this election cycle will see the end of America as she was previously known.... she will become one more failed socialist state. Reforms must occur now or they will never take place."
It is agreed the time for long overdue reforms to old injuries is now.
I would hate to see a dire prediction with a self-fulfilling feature in it.
Until arms are trained on dissenters, I'll withhold that determination.
I hate Joe Scarborough!
Who the hell watches this bozo
Joe... Bad day to stop your "Methadone" treatments... Aye?
Joe talks like he is in his office alone with the truth (and you know what can happen there).
I could not finish the video piece, for the lacking of Scarboroughs rationality.
He's totally crazy!
everything he spouts should be directed toward himself?
Since he hates this country so much, HE SHOULD LEAVE, Let's see, Cuba would work! Hmmm, choose N Korea, with all its freedom? I think he would love China!
And then we could say "good riddance to bad company, Get lost‼️
He wouldn't last a day in Cuba or N. Korea they would not put up with his remarks... he'd soon find himself face down in a mass grave.
What complete crap this jerk is saying. Our media is as despicable as our congress.
These are so called journalist? Would not give them a job cleaning bathrooms.
No, they are taking the entire nation down the road to ruin... If the Marxist Democrat Party is not removed from power this election cycle will see the end of America as she was previously known.... she will become one more failed socialist state. Reforms must occur now or they will never take place.
" If the Marxist Democrat Party is not removed from power this election cycle will see the end of America as she was previously known.... she will become one more failed socialist state. Reforms must occur now or they will never take place."
It is agreed the time for long overdue reforms to old injuries is now.
I would hate to see a dire prediction with a self-fulfilling feature in it.
Until arms are trained on dissenters, I'll withhold that determination.