
  • The left cares less that the world knows they have FLOODED THE ZONE...

    THEY OWN THE REFEREES... the game officials are all bought and paid for...

    The Courts can't see election fraud, the Prosecutors can't find election fraud, and the State Legislatures and Congress are certifying fraudulent elections.

    REAL COUNT... that's a joke... who determines the real count.  That's right the Secretary of State and the State Legislature... in NY it's a done deal.  The election vote totals could be more than the population of the state and the State Secretary and Legislature would certify it.

    Wake up Steve... you're too smart to believe ballot totals larger than the registered vote will matter... it didn't in the Bush/Gore election in Florida... one precinct in Florida had 147% of its registered voters cast ballots... others had more votes than the registered. 

    In the Bush/Gore race Ohio had one county with more votes cast than POPULATION... they did manage to send the County election official to jail on that one... but she took the fall for much bigger fish... and we can bet she is being taken care of... her and her family.

    • Well, I am convinced of this, the Left will not give up. They would have to be defeated and I'm not sure we're up to the task. They are way too quiet pre-midterm. I don't know what they have up their sleeve, but I am convinced they have something waiting to spring. Perhaps after the elections. 

    • Their goal is to destroy this nation and they are doing it in a heart beat 

    • I'm not seeing enough fire in Americans, some preach, get obnoxious, but all are waiting for someone else to make the move. When some do protest, these people beat them down, criticize them, make fun of them. Until Americans stand United demanding the powe4s see no danger, just a bit of a nuisance to dismiss as fringe!

    • Can't argue that point. We have tolerated more than I EVER thought we Americans would!

    • Like most of your posts, you failed to research the 'People's Convoy' its organizers, and its dubious goals.. turns out to be a massive problem... with serious questions as to where the money went and how it was organized... I raised those and other issues over and over... warning of the serious problems that could and did occur. 

      Director of nonprofit behind ‘People’s Convoy’ pleaded guilty to …

      Mar 04, 2022 · Director of nonprofit behind ‘People’s Convoy’ pleaded guilty to fraud - The

      For full disclosure of the Convoy's problems see:  The Mysterious Right-Wing Group American Foundation for Civil Liber...

      I don't expect you to apologize for being taken in by this group although you seem to have a penchant for wrongheaded ideas and hate-mongering of others whose views are not your own.  The People's Convoy appears o have been a very large scam.

    • When the Devil is in charge things like what you said will occur 

    • Political Fires are not spontaneous... they take kindling, leadership with at least two sticks to rub together, with the organization needed to fan the flames once the fire is started.

      So far, the Patriot movement has not had the leadership willing to burn down the corrupt system... to clear the way for the return of the founding father's system of Constitutional Government.  America lacks the necessary framework to conduct fair, open, and well-regulated elections. 

      The well of liberty has been poisoned and our votes no longer determine our government's leadership.  Until we find the leadership with the resources to kindle the needed fire in America's belly... look for more of the same... failed government and a defeated people.

    • We all know the problems....we need solutions!

    • I have offered many solutions as you are well aware... being a major critic of them. However, most solutions require leadership, resourcing, and a commitment from elements of the existing power base to be implemented... Apparently, none of our recent leaders and or hopefuls have the solution to our problems either, as we didn't get where we are overnight.  What are your solutions?

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