
  • Yup, that's what I say about bipartisanship......we aren't anywhere near on the same page with the leftist!

  • Bannon is spot on!

  • Bannon is correct. There is no unifying with America hating leftists. We need to silence them and/or re-educate them to rectify the brainwashing they suffered in public education, which we also need to control so that our kids grow up the right way. No compromise possible. It's either or. It is the only way to save our American way of life, our freedom and liberties.

  • I agree with you but are there enough of us left to do it?

    • Numbers are not the most important issue at present... Leadership and FUNDING ARE ... properly resourcing the movement to stop the Globalist must be immediately forthcoming... we need to be able to prosecute the campaign to expose the Globalist plans... we need funds to establish a massive information and activist movement (on the ground and in their face).  This takes money...

      Soros and men like Gates, Bezos, Zuckerberg, Mara, and a long list of Democrat and Republican political activists support the Globalist and Marxist movement with BILLIONS in funding and the organization and leadership needed to accomplish their goals.  Without proper funding, we can not organize an effective campaign to counter the Globalists. The RNC is more interested in maintaining the status quo than returning government to its constitutional role... limited government of the people, for the people, and by the people.

  • We the people are one presidential election away from losing our Constitutional Republic.

    • We the people have no effective representation NOW... and have not had real power since the Reagan years.  Wake up we have lost our Constitutional Republic and must now reclaim it.  Waiting on the NEXT ELECTION to martial real resistance to the coupe that took place in 2020 will not help. 

      In fact, waiting on the NEXT ELECTION... is precisely what PUT US WHERE WE ARE TODAY... Rigged elections solve nothing.

  • We are here to depose the oligarchs and petite tyrants. Here in Merced, CA, we seek to keep thinking globally while acting locally. Who can help us create a PAC to find and fund better candidates?

    • Who ... TRUMP could but he is to narrowly focused on his campaign and its capital needs ... to think and act as the kingpin for leading an effective campaign involving REAL and EFFECTIVE ACTIVISM... the organizing, funding and martialing millions in the streets of America,,, too, demand reforms such as passing and ratifying a Recall and Term Limits Amendment.  Recall the sitting government, elected, appointed, and senior executive service subject to new elections and appointments.  Establish term limits on all elected, appointed, and senior executive service members of the government... One term, 6yrs, with 1/3rd of the government standing for election and appointment every 2yrs.  End the professional political class and senior civil service cabal... the deep state with term limits.  NO ONE WITH THE RESOURCES OR SKILL SET NEEDED SEEMS UP TO THE TASK.

      One has to ask why the super wealthy think they can come out ok ... once we lose our hold on capitalism ... and the Republic is no longer able to provide the seed for new businesses or a viable and thriving market.

      Short-sided capitalism... grabs as much profit as it can and thinks of nothing more than how to grow personal wealth... missing the fundamentals of markets... free enterprise only works where one has a CONSUMER who has the disposable income to drive the economy.... we are in a race to the bottom of every measurable positive performance indicator for our economy... the result of Marxist ideology and a government to large and powerful for the market alone to control.  The wealthy barons of capital will soon find the fist of Marxist ideologues in their face and their wealth GONE... unless they start funding a counter-revolution... and do it now.

    • It's hard to make sense of this post. Grab profit, grow personal wealth? How is that the result of marxist ideology? Growing wealth and profit are the quintessential capitalist goals. Monopolies provide most profits, which is why companies and their owners want to achieve monopolistic powers. The wealthy are successful capitalists. That's how capitalism works. What's wrong with that? Why do you not will them the fruits of their successess? On the other hand, distributing disposable incomes to consumers is marxist. Next thing you know you will propose labor unions to give workers more bargaining powers and higher wages....but also more corruption. What am I missing?

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