The United States of America needs a two party system for checks and balances. The problem is, at this time, one of them (the democrats party) has become socialist marxist. That in itself determines they be eliminated from consideration for leadership of the United States.
It is demonstrated daily why they must not remain in power. Joe Biden ran on being a president who would unite America. Instead he is the absolute opposite. He is a divider! In order to install his transition (Obama’s fundamental transformation) he must destroy prosperity and he seems to be doing an excellent job of that right now.
One thing is absolute. Only freedoms and prosperity will ever bring Americans together again. Certainly not government dominance and interference in our lives! Remember that on November 8, 2022 when you vote.
Do it... stop talking about it and move to eliminate the Marxists Party from our political institutions... let the left find a new home but do it now... before the world goes up in flames. The Russian and Chinese crisis is real and getting so hot that it could explode any day... thank a globalist and the Marxists in both political parties...
China and Russia will not sit back and permit a cabal of world banks to nuc the world's system of exchange... they will not allow the Globalists to impose a Globalist agenda... they will not allow a global reset. Both Russia and China know what digitizing the world's currency and imposing globalist standards for exchange means... and they are not going to give up their soverignty to a bunch of power-drunk capitalists.
For one thing, China holds trillions in US debt which will be exchanged for billions in digital currency ... China stands to lose trillions in a digital currency reset. Russia is also aware of the move to control all currency under a single banner... thus shackling their economy to a new world order... they are not likely to accept that either... nor should we. China and Russia are both mobilizing that alone should scare the H out of Biden... but he is so detached he hasn't a clue what could happen in the twinkling of an eye...
The application of absolute power… whether thru a Communist or Globalist system matters little to the OPPRESSED… they suffer under both. It is not as much the form or ideology of government that drives oppression, as it is the application of government by leadership that matters. Scripture tells us that the people suffer when the unrighteous rule… not necessarily from the form of government… it is the application of government that matters most. When the righteous rule the people prosper and when evil sits at the head of government the nation suffers.
Capitalism offers the greatest opportunity and freedom for economic endeavor … However the government that operates in a capitalist system can be some of the most oppressive, as witnessed by the FEUDAL State. The Feudal State is the supreme form of Capitalism… where ‘he who has the gold rules. Feudalism delivers a government ruled by an elite Aristocracy, with a ‘cast system’ of privilege that controls access to markets and the power of government. In a feudal system, a few own all the means of production, and often less than 1% hold 99% of the wealth. In this system of capital free markets don’t exist and opportunity is controlled, licensed, and sanctioned by government, and the government is controlled by a plutocracy. Feudalism is the most extreme example of capitalism.
We are witnessing the collapse of our founding fathers' free market system of capital, as it is replaced by a quasi-feudal system of commerce and government. A system where an unelected plutocracy has decided their wealth ENTITLES them to rule as they deem appropriate. Of course, that translates into a system where a few wealthy and connected rule the many (an aristocracy)… economically leveraging their wealth thru the feudal state and the arbitrary, often predatory, application of trade law and policy governing commerce. Small businesses exist by patronage or in limited circumstances and in niche markets only… big corporations run the markets with government support.
We are experiencing the opening ground game of the new world order… an elite cabal of capitalists, moving to capture the world economy by dictating the value and standards of exchange for labor and industry. They intend to use this system of digital exchange to control the masses; too, establish the value of labor and ultimately life. They call this move to a single system of digital exchange… the Great Reset.
The Great Reset will establish a SINGLE system of digital exchange to buy, sell or trade in the world. All settlements for commercial or private transactions to buy, sell, or trade, for one’s labor, goods, or services, will be transacted thru this system… A one-world currency/exchange. Paper Currency and other forms of exchange will no longer be available. No more hidden income, evasion of taxes on private transactions, and black markets will be nearly impossible as one’s digital transaction account will not balance…where income and disbursements are not reported… indicating possible fraud or money laundering.
The Russian and Chinese Marxist understand where the Globalists and World Economic Forum (WEF) are taking the world and they want nothing to do with it… Hence, the serious saber rattling and hostile posturing of the Communists. Want to know why the GOP is basically in bed with the WEF and silent on many of the policies of the left, wonder no more. The elite and wealthy will prosper greatly under such a system. Total control over who buys sells or trades… over who works and doesn’t … who gets what medical and social services… every aspect of life will eventually be controlled by whoever runs the digital exchange.
How about calling this new age plutocracy by the titles given to their forefathers... as the LORDS AND LADIES of the new age aristocracy? After all, that is what these oligarchs have been working to achieve for centuries. A return to the cast system of the unwashed and privileged.
China and Russia have a long history of independent action... and as Marxists, they certainly will not kneel to the World Banking System. Both Russia and China have been attempting to organize a separate system for international settlements...
Everyone needs to understand foreign trade is settled by a world system of international banks and settlement agreements... if a nation is not part of the system they are not able to compete for trade equitably.... they are required to pay in gold AHEAD OF DELIVERY... when they order various commodities… if they can get them at all.
As a member of the International settlement bank, one has to comply with various orders, including UN Economic Sanctions... A nation that fails to comply is cut off, refused access to the word banks settlement system and serious economic problems follow. They can not easily secure international trade including many items necessary for modern life. The new system will have an even greater ability to isolate non-compliant nations... as using third parties to handle international trade UNDER THE TABLE will end... There will be no escaping the digital record... where they now simply trade using gold or other items of value off market. They will no longer be able to, skirt the world banking and international exchange system.
Rogue nations and despotic governments will be brought to heal under the digital system... at least that is one of the intents of its owners... the elite banking plutocracy.
The United States of America needs a two party system for checks and balances. The problem is, at this time, one of them (the democrats party) has become socialist marxist. That in itself determines they be eliminated from consideration for leadership of the United States.
It is demonstrated daily why they must not remain in power. Joe Biden ran on being a president who would unite America. Instead he is the absolute opposite. He is a divider! In order to install his transition (Obama’s fundamental transformation) he must destroy prosperity and he seems to be doing an excellent job of that right now.
One thing is absolute. Only freedoms and prosperity will ever bring Americans together again. Certainly not government dominance and interference in our lives! Remember that on November 8, 2022 when you vote.
But, does the Republicans have the will!
Wishful thinking I'm afraid
The sooner the better.
Do it... stop talking about it and move to eliminate the Marxists Party from our political institutions... let the left find a new home but do it now... before the world goes up in flames. The Russian and Chinese crisis is real and getting so hot that it could explode any day... thank a globalist and the Marxists in both political parties...
China and Russia will not sit back and permit a cabal of world banks to nuc the world's system of exchange... they will not allow the Globalists to impose a Globalist agenda... they will not allow a global reset. Both Russia and China know what digitizing the world's currency and imposing globalist standards for exchange means... and they are not going to give up their soverignty to a bunch of power-drunk capitalists.
For one thing, China holds trillions in US debt which will be exchanged for billions in digital currency ... China stands to lose trillions in a digital currency reset. Russia is also aware of the move to control all currency under a single banner... thus shackling their economy to a new world order... they are not likely to accept that either... nor should we. China and Russia are both mobilizing that alone should scare the H out of Biden... but he is so detached he hasn't a clue what could happen in the twinkling of an eye...
The application of absolute power… whether thru a Communist or Globalist system matters little to the OPPRESSED… they suffer under both. It is not as much the form or ideology of government that drives oppression, as it is the application of government by leadership that matters. Scripture tells us that the people suffer when the unrighteous rule… not necessarily from the form of government… it is the application of government that matters most. When the righteous rule the people prosper and when evil sits at the head of government the nation suffers.
Capitalism offers the greatest opportunity and freedom for economic endeavor … However the government that operates in a capitalist system can be some of the most oppressive, as witnessed by the FEUDAL State. The Feudal State is the supreme form of Capitalism… where ‘he who has the gold rules. Feudalism delivers a government ruled by an elite Aristocracy, with a ‘cast system’ of privilege that controls access to markets and the power of government. In a feudal system, a few own all the means of production, and often less than 1% hold 99% of the wealth. In this system of capital free markets don’t exist and opportunity is controlled, licensed, and sanctioned by government, and the government is controlled by a plutocracy. Feudalism is the most extreme example of capitalism.
We are witnessing the collapse of our founding fathers' free market system of capital, as it is replaced by a quasi-feudal system of commerce and government. A system where an unelected plutocracy has decided their wealth ENTITLES them to rule as they deem appropriate. Of course, that translates into a system where a few wealthy and connected rule the many (an aristocracy)… economically leveraging their wealth thru the feudal state and the arbitrary, often predatory, application of trade law and policy governing commerce. Small businesses exist by patronage or in limited circumstances and in niche markets only… big corporations run the markets with government support.
We are experiencing the opening ground game of the new world order… an elite cabal of capitalists, moving to capture the world economy by dictating the value and standards of exchange for labor and industry. They intend to use this system of digital exchange to control the masses; too, establish the value of labor and ultimately life. They call this move to a single system of digital exchange… the Great Reset.
The Great Reset will establish a SINGLE system of digital exchange to buy, sell or trade in the world. All settlements for commercial or private transactions to buy, sell, or trade, for one’s labor, goods, or services, will be transacted thru this system… A one-world currency/exchange. Paper Currency and other forms of exchange will no longer be available. No more hidden income, evasion of taxes on private transactions, and black markets will be nearly impossible as one’s digital transaction account will not balance…where income and disbursements are not reported… indicating possible fraud or money laundering.
The Russian and Chinese Marxist understand where the Globalists and World Economic Forum (WEF) are taking the world and they want nothing to do with it… Hence, the serious saber rattling and hostile posturing of the Communists. Want to know why the GOP is basically in bed with the WEF and silent on many of the policies of the left, wonder no more. The elite and wealthy will prosper greatly under such a system. Total control over who buys sells or trades… over who works and doesn’t … who gets what medical and social services… every aspect of life will eventually be controlled by whoever runs the digital exchange.
How about calling this new age plutocracy by the titles given to their forefathers... as the LORDS AND LADIES of the new age aristocracy? After all, that is what these oligarchs have been working to achieve for centuries. A return to the cast system of the unwashed and privileged.
The only titles we are likely to be given are footman, sommelier... or praegustator
China and Russia are not about to stop them They helped them to steal the Election
China and Russia have a long history of independent action... and as Marxists, they certainly will not kneel to the World Banking System. Both Russia and China have been attempting to organize a separate system for international settlements...
Everyone needs to understand foreign trade is settled by a world system of international banks and settlement agreements... if a nation is not part of the system they are not able to compete for trade equitably.... they are required to pay in gold AHEAD OF DELIVERY... when they order various commodities… if they can get them at all.
As a member of the International settlement bank, one has to comply with various orders, including UN Economic Sanctions... A nation that fails to comply is cut off, refused access to the word banks settlement system and serious economic problems follow. They can not easily secure international trade including many items necessary for modern life. The new system will have an even greater ability to isolate non-compliant nations... as using third parties to handle international trade UNDER THE TABLE will end... There will be no escaping the digital record... where they now simply trade using gold or other items of value off market. They will no longer be able to, skirt the world banking and international exchange system.
Rogue nations and despotic governments will be brought to heal under the digital system... at least that is one of the intents of its owners... the elite banking plutocracy.