
  • Congress "controls the purse strings"- - get on their case, hot and heavy.  Tell Speaker Johnson and all reps, WE THE PEOPLE  will NOT accept another CR, nor will we accept more $$TRILLIONS in debt.  Do it for the entire year and do it OUR WAY, or resign and GET OUT OF OUR WAY.  If it comes to a government shutdown, I am OK with that.  Oh, while they are at it, void Myorka's salary; if he doesn't get a paycheck, he will quit on his own.

  • shut the government down and don't pay politicians or bureaucrats!!!!!!!!!!

  • Would be good if the leadership had the balls to shut down one or the other......

  • Schumer the right thing to do is get rid of the likes of you and your ilk!!!


    • AMEN  AMEN  AMEN  AMEN  AMEN!!!!!!!!!!

  • Let the House pass a House Resolution declaring a national emergency and state of war exists on the southern border... giving legal precedent for the several states to DEFEND THE BORDER too including relieving the BP and shutting down the border under State Martial Law...

    • YES,YES,YES!

    • Excellent idea!!!!!!!!!!

    • Congress is the only Branch of Government Constitutionally authorized to DECLARE WAR... not the President.  Congress doesn't need the President to petition Congress to declare war... Congress can do so on its own with a Resolution...

      It is time Congress recognizes belligerent migration as an act of war... Stop funding the NGOs shipping these illegal aliens North and target them as enemies of the United States, along with those governments giving aid and comfort to the belligerent migrants as they move North...

      Roll up the welcome carpet on the border. and stop the free lunch for our enemies... They are taking advantage of our nation's goodwill... while subversively invading the US. These belligerent migrants come with the intent to access our economy and social services... destroying our economy and ignoring our laws. It matters little if they are aware of the underlying system that is using them as proxies to attack our nation... The result is the same... the destruction of our nation.

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