
  • Worse president in US history..........a muslim marxist........who left behind moles in various govt deparments, left us with bad treaties, bad policies, more taxes, regulations and a weakend economy, security, borders and foreign status.  This shill is a vile anti American, as was his mother.  He attempted through sinister and subtle means to reduce this country to a 3rd world entity......redistribute our wealth , our technology and well being.  His principles are that of a foreign agent, bent on turning over this nation to our enemies.  His performance at the Lewis funderal was a disgrace and should show the real Obama, a man of deceit, treachery .  We are lucky to have survived him.............REELECT TRUMP, REELECT TRUMP, REELECT TRUMP.  

    • deserve to be in jail period


  • A certain village in Kenya is still missing their idiot child; net him and send him back in a cage.

    • PS-Maybe we should just ship him directly to Iran?

  • Once again the America hating, muslim, exusurper to the presidency, barry sataro aka obama has shown the "Content of his character" and it is EVIL. It's time this pos is put in the compost heap of history.

  • Hey barryBOY, why don't you go back to Kenya so we don't have to see or hear your atrocious, void of truth SPEW ever again!

  • obama is a sorry piece of you know what

    • I'll say it for you; limburger cheese!  I, personally, would have used the educated word for excrement; feces!!

    • Hey! Janet you can say it I am with you 100%

  • Chairman Bao IS a Communist! AND Domestic enemy  Ther usurper in cheif is STILL trying to bring our country down. R.I.C.O and subsequent firing squad for Chairman Bao and Co. or THEY WON!!! Kiss your liberty good bye.........

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