
  • I am seeing responses outside the Federal "big club" tool to address the medical/election travesties we are enduring.

    Keep working to consolidate state and local representation to Constitutional Republican purposes. Centralized despotism is then encumbered.

    I sense that the centralized goverment usurpers think current events is not going well for them, and they feel cornered and alarmed.

  • We are a threat if we waved the American flag in protest we are a threat if we defend our constitution and our country. You are a great citizen if you burned and destroyed private property and you are a greater citizen if you shoot a police officer tell me who is responsible.

    • Lorenzo, you are correct.  Anyone who opposes the new world order is a threat to satan's devildemocommiecrat dictatorship and they want us put down like rabid animals.  I can't get out and protest due to physical disability but I post on conservative sites and write blog articles opposing tyranny.  They are sure to see me as a threat, and should!!!!!!!!!!  I am a patriot who served in the military as a Special Forces soldier.  I have training and experience that make me a threat to tyranny though I don't currently have the ability to do much.  I am expecting Almighty God to restore me to full health but I am 71 so even when fully healed from the stroke I am still well beyond my prime.  My knowledge and ability to train others makes me a threat to tyrants.

  • They keep pushing the LIE that they are afraid for their lives

    • Janet, the ones likely to take their lives are the ones they support now, antifa and blm marxist thugs!!!!!  Conservatives are not the ones out burning, rioting, looting, and killing people.  Most of us are Christians that try to use legal means to accomplish our goals, even when the legal means are denied us.

    • You noticed that also... it is part of the narrative needed to demonize the Conservative Constitutionalist... So the Marxist can officially declare us enemies of the State, Domestic Terrorist.  They will eventually suspend our liberties, due process, seize our weapons and eliminate any counter-revolution. Mind you the seizing of the government thru election fraud is part of Marxism's insurgency doctrine... It is a classical Marxist move to gain power.

      Next, is the purge... they are setting it up as a defense against a counter-revolution... of course, we are the enemy they are targeting for removal.  There is little time to react to the coming purge. Those wealthy individuals who have billions will soon find they have nothing, and hiding in some foreign country will not work as the whole of the Earth is getting ready for a MAJOR RESET... under a new world Marxist regime. 

      So, Mr. and Mrs. Billionaire get ready to find... your property seized, your brokerage accounts confiscated and your assets converted to the property of the State.  The middle class that once sheltered you with their arms and military have been assimilated with the poor.  They are no longer able to defend your ass...ets.  You betray yourself and your heritage by not funding a resistance movement immediately; by not demanding the State Legislatures declare the 2020 election a fraud... by not insisting a Writ of Quo Warranto be served on the current government, its Congress, Administration, and Judiciary... they all need to go... while, we have the means to push the issue locally and nationally.

    • Ron, AMEN  AMEN  AMEN  AMEN  AMEN!!!!!!!!!!  You got it exactly right.  The globalists can't take much from my family because we have very little.  When they run out of lower and middle income people they will hit the upper income and those people will feel it much more than those of us who scrimp by.  We are used to doing without, unlike the wealthy elite.  It will be quite a culture shock when satan's minions start to take their cushy lifestyles away, and it WILL happen, always has.  When despots run out of enemies they create new ones because tyrants need victims to keep their lust for power going.

  • The Unconstituionally elected Communists are making US  the enemy? How Hitlerish of them!!! In ghopemthe guardb frag the TYRANTS!!!   Hear that Suan Rice!!!............You one scary lettist Bwitch!

    When do you plan on exterminating us TYRANT? We know how you roll!!!

  • We are all probably on the list.

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    • Size is not always a guarantee of victory... 600 million firearms are no measure of their true combat power.   Need I remind you that heavy armor, artillery, airpower, naval power, and now a space force are at the government's command.  This is not 1776 when the Colonial militias... albeit small in numbers the colonial militia had a basic parity in arms... cannon, muskets, sabers, etc. 

      The unorganized private militia is not only under-equipped... it lacks an order of battle, a recognized chain of command, effective communications, woeful logistics, and medical support... just to name a few of its deficiencies.  In fact, it is my opinion that any civil war fought with the private militia would be insanity in action and over in less than a month. Civil War is not an option... it must be avoided.

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