Source; Must remain Anonymous.
I received an E-Mail from an anonymous source and it follows;
Input for Your Virtual Town Hall Regarding President Trump’s Executive Orders
I see you are planning a virtual Town Hall meeting addressing President Trump’s executive orders, and I wanted to take a moment to share my thoughts.
These executive orders are exactly what the American voter—including the majority of voters in Mississippi—have asked for and were promised. They are necessary steps to correct years of legislative overreach and abuse that have placed undue burdens on hardworking Americans. Many of us see these actions as essential to restoring fairness and efficiency in government.
Rather than opposing these measures, I urge you to consider the cost-saving initiatives they promote and the relief they provide to everyday citizens. Your rhetoric prior to your Virtual Town Hall seem more focused on opposition rather than constructive engagement. As a representative of the people, I encourage you to support policies that align with the will of majority of your constituents and contribute to a more effective and accountable government.
I appreciate your service to Mississippi and look forward to seeing a more balanced approach to these important issues in the future.
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To: s
Sent: 2/11/2025 1:10:23 PM Central Standard Time
Subject: Reminder: Congressman Thompson Virtual Town Hall