Any student of the scriptures knows where the world is heading... and it isn't the America of our forefathers... it is delusional to ignore the Biblical signs of the time... it is irresponsible to act as if the world is not on its last leg in a journey to a fiery end.  Our duty as Christians is to inform the wicked of their error so that they may repent.  We don't do that by promising better days are around the corner... they ARE NOT.

It is easy to promise better days are just over the horizon... it is not so easy to share the Revelation of St. John and its end-time worldview.  It is very difficult, unpopular, and often met with ridicule and anger.  The Old Testament Prophets understood just how difficult it is to stand before the people and prophecy their destruction... it is no different today.

There is no silver lining for the unbeliever in the storm clouds gathering around the world...  There is no 'happy ever after' message for a world under judgment and awaiting a fiery grave.  No, America will not recover... not only is the physical evidence of its demise everywhere ... those who are spiritually attuned understand they are witnessing the events immediately before the rapture and the beginning of the Great tribulation.  if you are lost, now is the time to repent, today is the day of salvation... tomorrow the judgment will come, and the door to salvation will close.

Woe unto the wicked who declare there is no God;  knowing all of Creation declares His Glory... the wicked adamantly deny Him as God.   For since the creation of the world God’s invisible character—his eternal power and divine nature—have been seen and understood, the evidence in His creation is a testament to His existence, so that mankind is without excuse.–Romans 1:20 

EZEKIEL 3:18... "When I say unto the wicked, ‘Thou shalt surely die,’ and thou givest him not warning, nor speakest to warn the wicked from his wicked way to save his life, the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand."
God is not mocked... He is long-suffering and patient wanting that none shoujld perish but that all should come to the knowledge of the Truth in Christ Jesus and be saved.


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