Democrat think tank calls for color revolution if Trump wins election

A top official with the billionaire-backed Berggruen Institute has called for the kidnapping and execution of writer Michael Anton for exposing the color revolution coup that is taking place to oust President Donald Trump from office regardless of November’s voting results.

Claremont Institute President Ryan Williams highlighted the grotesque tweet made by Vice President of Programs Nils Gilman comparing Anton to French fascist sympathizer Robert Brasillach:


The Berggruen Institute has collaborated intently with the Washington Post in the past. The rag, owned by Amazon founder and technocratic globalist Jeff Bezos, worked with Berggruen on WorldPost, which later became Noema Magazine. They regularly publish pretentious drivel that virtually nobody reads.

Big League Politics has reported about the coup attempt that is in the works through the Soros-backed Transition Integrity Project:

A Soros-backed “election integrity” group is setting the stage for a revolution against President Donald Trump after November’s election.

The Transition Integrity Project, an organization featuring a bipartisan group of Trump haters, is claiming that President Donald Trump will cause violence if he disputes the upcoming election results. They are running simulations that they claim indicate that Trump and his supporters will create mayhem.

“All of our scenarios ended in both street-level violence and political impasse,” said Rosa Brooks, a professor of law and policy at Georgetown University, who set up the TIP. “The law is essentially … it’s almost helpless against a president who’s willing to ignore it,” she added.

Revolver noted that Brooks is an operative of George Soros with ties to his Open Society Institute going back decades. She served as Special Counsel to the President at the Open Society Institute in New York from 2006-07.

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