
President Joe Biden’s administration has rejected an attempt to hold fireworks at Mount Rushmore National Memorial in July to celebrate Independence Day.

Herbert Frost, a regional director for the National Park Service, cited the COVID-19 pandemic in making his decision.

“As the nation continues to respond to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, planning an event of this size and magnitude that draws people from across the country raises very serious concerns about the ability to adhere to Center for Disease Control guidance which currently recommends that large gatherings be avoided, particularly those in which physical social distancing cannot be maintained between people who live in different households,” Frost told South Dakota Tourism Secretary Jim Hagen in a March 11 letter obtained by The Epoch Times.

“With an event this size it would be difficult, if not impossible, to comply with social distancing protocols if they continue to be in place in early July. Also, as we saw last year, most participants were not wearing face coverings, which are now required in all national parks where physical distancing cannot be maintained.”

The service is still evaluating the health impact of the 2020 fireworks event, which saw then-President Donald Trump join, though state officials have said the event didn’t lead to a spike in CCP virus cases.

“In addition, the park’s many tribal partners expressly oppose fireworks at the Memorial,” Frost said. “These factors, compiled with the COVID-19 pandemic, do not allow a safe and responsible fireworks display to be held at this site.”

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