
The Biden administration is reportedly considering overhauling Immigration and Customs Enforcement in a way that would terminate the jobs of thousands of officers tasked with arresting and deporting immigrants illegally residing in the United States.

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is understood to have recently introduced a plan to do away with ICE's Enforcement and Removal Operations arm and convert those officers into agents who investigate transnational crime instead of going after illegal immigrants.

The consideration comes after Mayorkas testified before senators in his confirmation hearing last month and said that he did not think ICE should be abolished.

The Biden administration's proposal, outlined to top officials at the agency, would keep ICE's name and its investigations side but effectively do away with its ability to enforce immigration laws. ICE would have little, if any, ability to do anything about people who choose to overstay a visa or illegally enter the U.S. at its land borders. Over the past decade, ICE officers have faced mounting challenges taking illegal immigrants into custody in sanctuary jurisdictions across the country that have enacted policies not to allow local police to turn over immigrants to ICE, as was standard practice for decades.

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