
  • "They've" realized this is the "Moment" they all have been dreaming of!  "The New World Order" is here now! On 5/23/2022 World Economic Forum (WEF) founder and Executive Director Klaus Schwab stated quote: “Let’s also be clear: The future is not just happening. The future is built by us, a powerful community – you, here in this room. We have the means to impose this state [of the future] on the world,” Schwab's video was later posted on Twitter.

    Remember, only one shot was fired, it killed one of us an unarmed Patriot and it came from within...  Let's face it, the Democrats have performed the perfect Coup d'état! We are currently a Totalitarian Repressed State with an unknown Dictator! The question now is what will the citizens response be? YES.... "They" are scared!  Hence "Their" frantic push for gun confiscation.

  • America has been reduced to a dictatorial oligarchy run by Nazi war criminal george soros, bill gates, jeff bezos, mark zuckerberg, and other globalist billionaires, dementia is just the bobblehead puppet figurehead there for show!!!!!!!!!!

  • Looks these people have lost there minds in democrats for power and any means necessarily to get more communist or Marxist! Your born boy or girl! That's God's gift a healthy child! What have the people voted for if he won! Nut case and psychological learning! What about just abc 123 and written now! The dam government in my home look at my kids saying they can tell you and tour husband what your baby's going to be! Get the hell out my bedroom pervert ! Government is not my child's my father carried nor did he carry my baby for 9month! This is so sick next they'll take your children from you in the hospital! They are so stupid! They want to destroy the family

  • One question how do we make Joe resign?? Then just thought of what do we do with Kamala???

    • Joe an even worse thought... #3 in succession is the "Drinker"of the House Nanshee Pelouser

  • It's what Dictators do!

    Regarding the extra $$$ Billions Biden stated: Hey... Come On Man...  there are still checlks in the checkbook! 

  • "Congress" doesn't have the time or the inclination to address real life problems.  They're too busy running for re-election during the next (60) election cycles.

  • Sickening

  • This is nothing but a political move he knows the next president will throw his executive order in the trash can 

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