
    • Lorenzo you are correct! This has nothing to do with Healthcare or Womens reproductive rights... Fact: Abortion is BIG Business! I refer you to Federal form 990 as filed with IRS by Planned Parenthood on 2/20/2020: excerpt: Total income: Line 12- $258,840,737.00, Other income: Non- Government Grant offsets and Scientific Research Sales (Baby Body Parts) = $72,032,885.00... Yes, sales of Baby Body parts obtained free from abortions accounted for over $72 million of their total $258.8 million income! I wonder how much $$$$$$ lines key Politicians pockets?

    • What is Plane Parenthood?  Does it help airplanes have children?

  • It is all about fermenting trouble, keep the people upset, hoping for violence -  anything to take your mind of what a lousy president he is and an administration that is actively working to destroy this country.

    • Sadly, weak leaders and presidents are not above fomenting a WAR... creating a crisis crafted to keep them in office and at the pinnacle of political power/// Intact... Traditionally, wars solidify a nation's spport for the incumbent government. 

      Starting a war now would also spur the economy... it would be used to justify many of the Biden mandates and to scapegoat the economic issues created by the Biden Administration,  War would definitely take the MSM's and Publics attention off the coming elections by redirecting them to the urgent needs of the war..... WAR WITH RUSSIA AND CHINA... Let us pray that we avoid such folly. However, the more Biden's approval rating slips the more likely we will find ourselves at war with Russia and China

    • I've been to war and wish it's horrors upon no one! But Col. your observations on pResident Biden and his junta are quite clear... War... it's just a matter of time!

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