
  • Biden and the Marxist Democrat Party want open borders... millions of indigent illegal aliens are poised on our borders waiting to invade the US in order to access our social services with the goal to overload our economy, and bankrupt the government,  Paviing the way to install a Marxist government.

    Pres. Biden is following Saul Alynsky's book 'Rules for Radicals' to overload our system of social services and bankrupt the Nation. President Biden is engaged in economic and cultural asymmetric warfare.  His goal is to radically transform America's demographic... culture, economy, and finally its government...

    Biden's policies are destroying our Constitutional Republic... fundamentally transforming it into a Marxist state...  He is doing this by promoting radical economic and cultural policy.  Biden understands that an 'Open Border' policy is a key element in this transformation process.  Biden's plans for Ethnic Diversity and Cultural transformation are dependent upon the mass migration of culturally and ethnically diverse alien world populations... thus changing the demographic in the USA to favor Marxism.

    • Why?  See above.  Biden doesn't want to fix the border... mass migration is the best tool he has to finish the fundamental transformation of America... from a Constitutional Republic to a failed third-world, Marxist State.

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