
    • I agree with you Trish, covid was an biological attack against the U.S.

  • The history of these times will show that we were warned by the Left.  They will use their control of the Demoncrat Party to impose tyranny wherever and whevever they can.

    Whether we will heed the warning remains to be seen.

    • Yep! And we handed it to them. Don't trust any of them as 'power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely'. Too many are millionairs while we work our fingers to the bone and step in line.  Sick of it. Time to put an end to it!! Vote Wisely!

  • Has anyone in this administration heard of the 'First Amendment to the US Constitution:... it guarantees the right of the people to speak of election fraud, to peaceable assembly, and petition for the redress of grievances... including election fraud.

    "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."   Quote First Amendment to the US Constitution.

    Congress shall make no law... abridging the freedom of speech... Or the right to REDRESS GRIEVANCES... including, 'election results... These rights are Constitutionally protected rights... they should not be ridiculed or quashed by government threats.  The right of the people to redress their election grievances are Constitutional.

    Speech related to the redress of grievances is protected speech... and should not be threatened by our government.

    • The Old Joke does not seem to note how close to the cliffs edge he is doddering.

      This behavior may qualify Joke Biden beyond Nixonian impeachment consequence level,

      to risk suffering the fate of Jefferson Davis.... the incarceration of an American Chief Executive. 

      (and this time a Federal one)Fort Monroe Casemate Museum - Jefferson Davis Cell | Flickr

      - The Jefferson Davis prison cell -

    • Jefferson Davis was NEVER America's Chief Executive... he was President of the CONFEDERATE STATES Of Amerca and was imprisoned for being suspected of being part of teh Lincoln assassination plot.   Davis was ultimately granted amnesty and released from prions.

      See: Jefferson Davis's Imprisonment - Encyclopedia Virginia

      Jefferson Davis's Imprisonment - Encyclopedia Virginia
      Fort Monroe Davis spent two years as a military prisoner at Fort Monroe near . Confined to a small room known as a casemate, he was monitored by sold…
    • Colonel, Colonel, Colonel. I said an American President (as in the continent), not the  American President (as in the USA). You yourself list the descriptor "America" in the rebel title.

      "Jefferson Davis was NEVER America's Chief Executive... he was President of the CONFEDERATE STATES Of Amerca..."

      The mid-terms have you anxious, do they not?

      (then also, you were distraught about the 2020 electoral fraud committed. I predicted the mid-terms would be our next skirmish, an idea you expressed some reservations about)

      Well me too! But we must keep our cool yet also keep focused our resolve. 

      I sure am glad you are such a likeable fellah. Otherwise you could worry a body.

    • Skeptical... Jefferson Davis was not an American President... your comments regarding the US Constitution and the failed rewrite of the Constitution by Jefferson Davis and the Confederate States of America are laughable... the CSA's failed attempt at a rewrite of the US Constitution failed then and would simply fail again... it is not the language or substance of the US Constitution that is our problem.  Our problem is the lack of moral character in our political leadership.... and the nation as a whole.  

      Finally, I have consistently warned of the potential for massive election fraud in the coming mid-terms.... the only one needing to focus is you.... focus on reading what is actually posted by others... not some mysterious Machiavellian version of their posts.   Perhaps you are reading someone else posts?

    • I read your posts (really!).

      But your passions about political discourse are intense, and could easily draw anyone into a whitewater of concerns.

      Whether Jefferson Davis was or was not a catagorical Chief Executive of a duly constituted government, or a rebel leader, has been subject of some contraversy.

      I personally say,"Up the Rebels!" (then down), Wooden Gallows with Swinging Noose Stock Footage Video (100% Royalty-free) 8351161 | Shutterstockwhile respecting their sincerity.

      And again typically, I read and agree with your fundamental points.

      - yours

    • Spot On but those in power enforcement or turn a a blind eye to the rules/law/constitution and nothing gets past the corrupt evil tyrants.. 😢


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